Sorry I haven't been replying or commenting much. I've been keeping up with journals and threads and whatnot, I just haven't had much to say in the past few days (or the fortitude to write it all out, if I did).
So here's a quiz I stole from Yatsu because I love this stuff:
(ok, so it's actually 2 quizzes, but it all blends together)
So here's a quiz I stole from Yatsu because I love this stuff:
(ok, so it's actually 2 quizzes, but it all blends together)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
x: are you a deep or light sleeper?
Fairly deep, and I can usually just roll over and go back to sleep if I wake up (I do it all the time on the weekends), but lately I've been having really freaky dreams, and that's totally been messing me up.
x: do you have a fixed bedtime or do you go whenever your tired?
None of the above? If I had a brain I'd go to bed when I'm tired, but I usually overshoot that point by at least an hour.
x: what size is your bed?
"Bed" is being generous. I sleep on a mattress on the floor (the frame broke and I haven't bought a new one yet). It's only a twin-size, too. Crappy in every way.
x: do you share it with anyone?
Even if I did, there wouldn't be room.
x: what colour sheets and duvet do you have?
The sheets are beige with green and yellow leaves on them. They were the cheapest ones, so I just have several sets of the same sheets. My duvet is blue and white polka-dots.
x: how many pillows?
One, but I also ball up my baby blanket and use that as a pillow.
x: do you have stuffed toys on your bed?
Not right now. If I happen to stop by the Pokemon store in Nagoya again though....
x: do you ever wake up in the middle of the night?
Yes, almost every night, usually after being woken up by a horribly uncomfortable dream. I hate it.
x: did you know that everyone has at least several dreams per night?
Yes, and most of mine torment me lately.
x: do you remember your dreams?
I write them down in my journal whenever I can. Sometimes I forget about them and come across them months later, it's pretty interesting.
x: describe your last most vivid dream?
Last night I had a dream that I lived in an apartment complex and one of my neighbors was this crazy stalker/killer. I came home one night and realized it, and was afraid to go up to my apartment because I knew something bad was going to happen. I grabbed a policeman who was in the lobby of the building for some reason and gave him my evidence, he went up to take care of the guy. I hid in a stair well behind the front desk and was so afraid to go up, even with the cop there, that I spent the entire night sleeping on the stairs.
x: do you often have nightmares?
If you've read this far, you know the answer.
x: what was the last nightmare you had?
Well, the one last night was pretty unnerving.
x: do you own your own computer or is it a family computer?
It's mine, I live alone, I paid for it.
x: are you good with computers?
I get by. I know how to waste time at work using Wikipedia.
x: do you have your own mobile phone or phone line?
Both. The phone line is part of a package with my internet and is pretty cheap.
x: what kind of TV do you own?
A tiny one I hardly ever watch.
x: DVD player?
PS2 for my region 2's, laptop for the region 1's.
x: VCR?
Yes, but between three of us we couldn't figure out how to hook it up when we replaced the broken tv.
x: hair dryer?
Yes. For me AND my wig styling.
x: hair straightners/curling tongs?
Don't need a straightener, don't have enough hair for curlers.
x: are you a vegetarian or a carnivore?
Omnivore. Lately it's mostly fish and rice.
x: what are your favourite foods?
Pizza, Mexican cuisine, Skittles (all of which are hard to come by in Japan); sushi (which I eat almost every day).
x: where is your favourite restaurant?
Wish Bone in Chicago.
x: fast food restaurant?
Taco Bell, which Japan doesn't have. If I had to pick one here, I'd go with Mos Burger. Mmm, rice burgers!
x: do you eat out often?
I hardly cook. Usually I'll just buy sushi or bento from the grocery store.
x: what is your favourite ice cream flavour?
Vanilla soft serve, preferably with some sort of candy mix-in.
x: italian or chinese?
x: what is your favourite drink?
x: do you drink alcohol?
x: are you an animal person?
Yes, mostly a dog person. Not so crazy about cats, I've met a lot of very unfriendly ones.
x: do you have any?
I grew up with 6 dogs. I had 2 Italian Greyhounds before I came to Japan, now I have one
I miss my Rita like crazy, she's back in the States with a friend.
x: what are your favourite animals?
Dogs. I also like pigs and frogs.
x: if you could tame any animal what would it be?
Bats aren't really tame, are they?
x: what animals are you scared of?
Spiders, ZOMG spiders.
x: ever been to a zoo?
On numerous occasions.
x: allergic to any animals?
No, fortunately.
x: what are you scared of?
x: how much did the events of 9/11 scare you?
Every so often I worry what if Chicago's next?
x: what has been the scariest moment of your life?
When my mom went in for unexpected heart surgery.
x: the scariest nightmare?
Good lord, I've had so many lately.
x: do you fear world poverty?
Fear is not how I'd describe it.
x: murder?
I wasn't before, but lately I've got a complex.
x: have you ever been in a really dangerous situation?
Not really.
x: hairbrushes you own
None. I have a couple combs for wigs, though.
x: posters
I have gobs in storage, but none here.
x: CDs
Tons and tons.
x: mascaras
I own some but rarely use it.
x: hoodies
Quite a few, including one I knitted myself. I used to be the Queen of Hoodies back in college.
x: cross necklaces
None, I don't swing that way.
x: calendars
A daily tear-off in my room, a small monthly one on my desk, and a day planner, if that counts.
x: empty bottles in your room
One or two water bottles.
x: stuffed toys you have
Quite a few, but they're all back in the States, most are in storage.
x: meals eaten in a day
I do the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner thing, along with snacking (some necessary, some not so much. Trying to cut down on the "not so much", actually).
x: times broken the law
Really nothing big, but a lot of run-of-the-mill stuff (smoking pot, pirating music, that sort of thing). I shoplifted "Playgirl" twice when I was in 6th grade.
x: hats
Way too many to count, most of which I've made.
x: books
Again, too many to count.
x: shoes
What's with all these quantity questions?
x: meal
Yakisoba pan and go-me kinpira, with a bowl of Cocoa Krispies for dessert.
x: drink
x: alcohol
Freshly mixed lemon chu-hai.
x: hat worn:
The new cotton beach hat I bought at the 100 yen store. I plan to add beading to it, it's cute but too plain.
x: friend you saw:
Do my students count?
x: survey you filled before this
I remember I stole it from someone. I think it was that music one on LJ....
x: bus you rode on
The bus to the next town over, I needed to buy yarn. I took the train home, though.
x: necklace you wore
My squiggly silver wire one with the star on it, I've had it since high school.
x: person you spoke to
One of my students who I ran into at the supermarket.
x: person you kissed
My ex last July.
x: website you visited
x: DVD you watched
Shaun of the Dead.
x: song you listened to
Nerf Herder- "Nosering Girl". Matthew Sweet- "You Don't Love Me" is on now.
x: CD
Lucky Boys Confusion "Growing Out Of It"
x: eyeshadow worn
Probably to the enkai on Fri night. I've been too lazy this week for work.
the second one:
1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
Right where I am now.
2. When is the last time you filled up your gas tank?
I don't own a car. This is a sore spot with me lately, given the amount of rain we've had.
3. What is the most amount of money you spent in one store?
Probably Circuit City the day I bought my laptop.
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes. Turns out I really like pink, which I didn't even realize until a coworker pointed it out to me.
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
We don't really have a mall....
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $5,000?
My host dad told me $2000 is the most I should spend on a good used car here.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I rode a bus out of town on Saturday, does that count?
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
I haven't even been to the movies in the last 5 MONTHS.
10. Are you popular?
Judging purely by my students' reactions... HELL YES!
(whether I'm popular beyond Japan's 6-to-14 crowd is another story.)
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Didn't the other quiz ask me the same thing? The answer is still water.
12. What was the last thing you mailed in the mail?
My monthly Japanese test sheet.
13. Do you wash you car?
I never washed my car when I had one.
14. Last fast food you ate?
Mr. Donut. I'm not a big doughnut person, but their pon-de-rings are excellent.
15. Where were you last week today?
Right where I am now.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yes, I needed new bathing suits.
17. What bank do you use?
Daisan Ginko.
18. Do you own any land?
What is this, Monopoly?
19. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
I'm still trying to figure that out.
20. Your dream vacation?
I've wanted to go to Ireland for years.
21. Last boat ride you went on?
I had to take a boat from the airport back to the mainland when I came back from winter break in Jan. Altogether I traveled in one boat, one train, two airplanes, and three automobiles. That's how out of the way my damn town is.
22. How old are your parents?
If they wanted their ages on the internet, they'd fill out their own quizzes.
24. Do you have any single friends?
25. Last play you saw?
Probably "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind", and that was at least two years ago.
26. Have you been to New York?
Yes, my dad's family is from there.
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Maybe watching some Pete & Pete, reading, and going to bed later than I should.
28. Last concert you went to?
Up Up Down Down and L'Equipe Danger in Matsusaka.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
I haven't thought that far ahead, I just got back from spring break in Osaka.
30. Ever go to camp?
Yeah, first day camp and then overnight theater camp.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What is your current GPA?
I've been out of school for a while now.
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
I usually just rely on the scent of my shampoo.
34. Are you hungry?
No, but I'm dying of thirst. I'm just too lazy to get up and pour a glass of water.
35. Where is your best friend located?
36. Do you own a cowboy hat?
No, and I never plan to.
37. Do you have a tan?
No, and everyone keeps commenting on how white I am. Sorry, I just really like sunblock and taking care of my skin.
38. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
I don't want kids. And if I ever do, I'll adopt, goodness knows there are enough kids out there already.
39. Do you collect anything?
I used to be a crazy gachapon addict, and I have to admit I bought a few new ones in Osaka. I've also accumulated a lot of yarn.
40. Is this quiz annoying?
If it was, I wouldn't be bothering to take it.
41. Last time you got pulled over?
Oh, it's been a while... maybe... that time I got lost coming home from my dad's place and got pulled over because one of my tail lights was out.
43. Been to Mexico for Spring Break?
I've never been to Mexico, spring break or otherwise. I never really travel for spring break anyway. Osaka's probably the furtherst I've gone in years.
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Very much so.
45. Last time you drove somewhere?
I haven't driven since July, and damned if I remember the last place I went.
46. Do you need to do laundry?
I always need to do laundry. My washing machine is outside, so I'm never particularly motivated to do so.
47. How many friends do you have?
I'm not going to sit here and add them all up.
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I think so.
49. Are you rich?
Not by a long shot, although my dirt-cheap rent does help me save a bit more than I'm used to.
50. What are you thinking right this minute?
Damn I'm thirsty.
x: are you a deep or light sleeper?
Fairly deep, and I can usually just roll over and go back to sleep if I wake up (I do it all the time on the weekends), but lately I've been having really freaky dreams, and that's totally been messing me up.
x: do you have a fixed bedtime or do you go whenever your tired?
None of the above? If I had a brain I'd go to bed when I'm tired, but I usually overshoot that point by at least an hour.
x: what size is your bed?
"Bed" is being generous. I sleep on a mattress on the floor (the frame broke and I haven't bought a new one yet). It's only a twin-size, too. Crappy in every way.
x: do you share it with anyone?
Even if I did, there wouldn't be room.
x: what colour sheets and duvet do you have?
The sheets are beige with green and yellow leaves on them. They were the cheapest ones, so I just have several sets of the same sheets. My duvet is blue and white polka-dots.
x: how many pillows?
One, but I also ball up my baby blanket and use that as a pillow.
x: do you have stuffed toys on your bed?
Not right now. If I happen to stop by the Pokemon store in Nagoya again though....
x: do you ever wake up in the middle of the night?
Yes, almost every night, usually after being woken up by a horribly uncomfortable dream. I hate it.
x: did you know that everyone has at least several dreams per night?
Yes, and most of mine torment me lately.
x: do you remember your dreams?
I write them down in my journal whenever I can. Sometimes I forget about them and come across them months later, it's pretty interesting.
x: describe your last most vivid dream?
Last night I had a dream that I lived in an apartment complex and one of my neighbors was this crazy stalker/killer. I came home one night and realized it, and was afraid to go up to my apartment because I knew something bad was going to happen. I grabbed a policeman who was in the lobby of the building for some reason and gave him my evidence, he went up to take care of the guy. I hid in a stair well behind the front desk and was so afraid to go up, even with the cop there, that I spent the entire night sleeping on the stairs.
x: do you often have nightmares?
If you've read this far, you know the answer.
x: what was the last nightmare you had?
Well, the one last night was pretty unnerving.
x: do you own your own computer or is it a family computer?
It's mine, I live alone, I paid for it.
x: are you good with computers?
I get by. I know how to waste time at work using Wikipedia.
x: do you have your own mobile phone or phone line?
Both. The phone line is part of a package with my internet and is pretty cheap.
x: what kind of TV do you own?
A tiny one I hardly ever watch.
x: DVD player?
PS2 for my region 2's, laptop for the region 1's.
x: VCR?
Yes, but between three of us we couldn't figure out how to hook it up when we replaced the broken tv.
x: hair dryer?
Yes. For me AND my wig styling.
x: hair straightners/curling tongs?
Don't need a straightener, don't have enough hair for curlers.
x: are you a vegetarian or a carnivore?
Omnivore. Lately it's mostly fish and rice.
x: what are your favourite foods?
Pizza, Mexican cuisine, Skittles (all of which are hard to come by in Japan); sushi (which I eat almost every day).
x: where is your favourite restaurant?
Wish Bone in Chicago.
x: fast food restaurant?
Taco Bell, which Japan doesn't have. If I had to pick one here, I'd go with Mos Burger. Mmm, rice burgers!
x: do you eat out often?
I hardly cook. Usually I'll just buy sushi or bento from the grocery store.
x: what is your favourite ice cream flavour?
Vanilla soft serve, preferably with some sort of candy mix-in.
x: italian or chinese?
x: what is your favourite drink?
x: do you drink alcohol?
x: are you an animal person?
Yes, mostly a dog person. Not so crazy about cats, I've met a lot of very unfriendly ones.
x: do you have any?
I grew up with 6 dogs. I had 2 Italian Greyhounds before I came to Japan, now I have one

x: what are your favourite animals?
Dogs. I also like pigs and frogs.
x: if you could tame any animal what would it be?
Bats aren't really tame, are they?
x: what animals are you scared of?
Spiders, ZOMG spiders.
x: ever been to a zoo?
On numerous occasions.
x: allergic to any animals?
No, fortunately.
x: what are you scared of?
x: how much did the events of 9/11 scare you?
Every so often I worry what if Chicago's next?
x: what has been the scariest moment of your life?
When my mom went in for unexpected heart surgery.
x: the scariest nightmare?
Good lord, I've had so many lately.
x: do you fear world poverty?
Fear is not how I'd describe it.
x: murder?
I wasn't before, but lately I've got a complex.
x: have you ever been in a really dangerous situation?
Not really.
x: hairbrushes you own
None. I have a couple combs for wigs, though.
x: posters
I have gobs in storage, but none here.
x: CDs
Tons and tons.
x: mascaras
I own some but rarely use it.
x: hoodies
Quite a few, including one I knitted myself. I used to be the Queen of Hoodies back in college.
x: cross necklaces
None, I don't swing that way.
x: calendars
A daily tear-off in my room, a small monthly one on my desk, and a day planner, if that counts.
x: empty bottles in your room
One or two water bottles.
x: stuffed toys you have
Quite a few, but they're all back in the States, most are in storage.
x: meals eaten in a day
I do the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner thing, along with snacking (some necessary, some not so much. Trying to cut down on the "not so much", actually).
x: times broken the law
Really nothing big, but a lot of run-of-the-mill stuff (smoking pot, pirating music, that sort of thing). I shoplifted "Playgirl" twice when I was in 6th grade.
x: hats
Way too many to count, most of which I've made.
x: books
Again, too many to count.
x: shoes
What's with all these quantity questions?
x: meal
Yakisoba pan and go-me kinpira, with a bowl of Cocoa Krispies for dessert.
x: drink
x: alcohol
Freshly mixed lemon chu-hai.
x: hat worn:
The new cotton beach hat I bought at the 100 yen store. I plan to add beading to it, it's cute but too plain.
x: friend you saw:
Do my students count?
x: survey you filled before this
I remember I stole it from someone. I think it was that music one on LJ....
x: bus you rode on
The bus to the next town over, I needed to buy yarn. I took the train home, though.
x: necklace you wore
My squiggly silver wire one with the star on it, I've had it since high school.
x: person you spoke to
One of my students who I ran into at the supermarket.
x: person you kissed
My ex last July.
x: website you visited
x: DVD you watched
Shaun of the Dead.
x: song you listened to
Nerf Herder- "Nosering Girl". Matthew Sweet- "You Don't Love Me" is on now.
x: CD
Lucky Boys Confusion "Growing Out Of It"
x: eyeshadow worn
Probably to the enkai on Fri night. I've been too lazy this week for work.
the second one:
1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
Right where I am now.
2. When is the last time you filled up your gas tank?
I don't own a car. This is a sore spot with me lately, given the amount of rain we've had.
3. What is the most amount of money you spent in one store?
Probably Circuit City the day I bought my laptop.
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes. Turns out I really like pink, which I didn't even realize until a coworker pointed it out to me.
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
We don't really have a mall....
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $5,000?
My host dad told me $2000 is the most I should spend on a good used car here.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I rode a bus out of town on Saturday, does that count?
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
I haven't even been to the movies in the last 5 MONTHS.
10. Are you popular?
Judging purely by my students' reactions... HELL YES!
(whether I'm popular beyond Japan's 6-to-14 crowd is another story.)
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Didn't the other quiz ask me the same thing? The answer is still water.
12. What was the last thing you mailed in the mail?
My monthly Japanese test sheet.
13. Do you wash you car?
I never washed my car when I had one.
14. Last fast food you ate?
Mr. Donut. I'm not a big doughnut person, but their pon-de-rings are excellent.
15. Where were you last week today?
Right where I am now.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yes, I needed new bathing suits.
17. What bank do you use?
Daisan Ginko.
18. Do you own any land?
What is this, Monopoly?
19. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
I'm still trying to figure that out.
20. Your dream vacation?
I've wanted to go to Ireland for years.
21. Last boat ride you went on?
I had to take a boat from the airport back to the mainland when I came back from winter break in Jan. Altogether I traveled in one boat, one train, two airplanes, and three automobiles. That's how out of the way my damn town is.
22. How old are your parents?
If they wanted their ages on the internet, they'd fill out their own quizzes.
24. Do you have any single friends?
25. Last play you saw?
Probably "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind", and that was at least two years ago.
26. Have you been to New York?
Yes, my dad's family is from there.
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Maybe watching some Pete & Pete, reading, and going to bed later than I should.
28. Last concert you went to?
Up Up Down Down and L'Equipe Danger in Matsusaka.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
I haven't thought that far ahead, I just got back from spring break in Osaka.
30. Ever go to camp?
Yeah, first day camp and then overnight theater camp.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What is your current GPA?
I've been out of school for a while now.
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
I usually just rely on the scent of my shampoo.
34. Are you hungry?
No, but I'm dying of thirst. I'm just too lazy to get up and pour a glass of water.
35. Where is your best friend located?
36. Do you own a cowboy hat?
No, and I never plan to.
37. Do you have a tan?
No, and everyone keeps commenting on how white I am. Sorry, I just really like sunblock and taking care of my skin.
38. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
I don't want kids. And if I ever do, I'll adopt, goodness knows there are enough kids out there already.
39. Do you collect anything?
I used to be a crazy gachapon addict, and I have to admit I bought a few new ones in Osaka. I've also accumulated a lot of yarn.
40. Is this quiz annoying?
If it was, I wouldn't be bothering to take it.
41. Last time you got pulled over?
Oh, it's been a while... maybe... that time I got lost coming home from my dad's place and got pulled over because one of my tail lights was out.
43. Been to Mexico for Spring Break?
I've never been to Mexico, spring break or otherwise. I never really travel for spring break anyway. Osaka's probably the furtherst I've gone in years.
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Very much so.
45. Last time you drove somewhere?
I haven't driven since July, and damned if I remember the last place I went.
46. Do you need to do laundry?
I always need to do laundry. My washing machine is outside, so I'm never particularly motivated to do so.
47. How many friends do you have?
I'm not going to sit here and add them all up.
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I think so.
49. Are you rich?
Not by a long shot, although my dirt-cheap rent does help me save a bit more than I'm used to.
50. What are you thinking right this minute?
Damn I'm thirsty.
nice that you answered the questions, I loved reading your answers! 

Holy hell that is a long quiz but I kinda got stuck on how EXACTLY the bed frame Huh, huh?