Actually, I have nothing important to say, I just thought it'd be an eye-catching title. Sitting on the couch with my boy watching Pinky and the Brain on Amazon Prime.


Actually, I have nothing important to say, I just thought it'd be an eye-catching title. Sitting on the couch with my boy watching Pinky and the Brain on Amazon Prime.


I am a little disturbed at how few mention Flogging Molly under music in their bios. Seriously. If you haven't listened to them, try the album Swagger or Within a Mile of Home. Truly the only band that will get me out to a live show anymore. (See my previous comments about being fat and old..,)


Lots of work, lots of family, not enough sleep. And that damn Dragonvale game....ugh.


Futurama. I love it. My son loves it too. He's four. I am a terrible parent for letting him watch it; I know it's going to bite me in the arse soon. I'll go to pick him up at daycare and they will pull me aside and say: "Liam has been telling teachers and other children to 'bite his shiny metal ass, meatbags'."

Yeah, it's...
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Seriously, I can't even keep a regular blog going long enough to attract followers.

Maybe I should start my own religion...eh, wrong type of followers prolly. But then again...


I spent $125 on meat, bread and token veggies for a BBQ. Cooked chicken, hot dogs, bratwurst, pork steak, beef steak, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, zucchini , soy dogs, hamburger, field roast sausages and cabbage. Was at the grill for two hours. Got the last of the food inside, had a brat, then realized I was too hot and tired to eat and my back hurt...
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That's pretty easy...and complicated. I have things that I want to say; it doesn't matter if what I write is read, that's not the point.

Sure, I could go to Facebook or Twitter or whatever but the anonymity of writing here is refreshing. If I want to vent about anything no one who knows me will know.

I like to write (children's books, actually) and...
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My Spouse sent me to the store for Easter candy. She should never send me alone. I spent $60-ish on candy, eggs and novelties. I have ONE child. One. He's only four. I bought enough to cover his entire daycare class. She should never send me alone.

The trouble is, I see stuff that I woulda loved as a kid and think: "it's only $2.50,...
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 Dont worry im exactly the same