Its hump day! half way through the week. Can't wait to get some free time soon. I feel like I work way to much (because I do). I would have never thought that women would be more difficult to manage than a bunch of fowl mouthed guys with bad attitudes. I was mistaken. Its a whole different kind of headache all together.
This helps me get through it though....
Managed to get all the pictures from my grandfather funeral uploaded to our family page. My aunt will be glad, and I will be glad to not have a dozen people asking me when I'm going to get around to it. Sometimes its better to just bit the bullet and get it done.. even if it means staying up past my bedtime.
This helps me get through it though....
Managed to get all the pictures from my grandfather funeral uploaded to our family page. My aunt will be glad, and I will be glad to not have a dozen people asking me when I'm going to get around to it. Sometimes its better to just bit the bullet and get it done.. even if it means staying up past my bedtime.
Thank you, darling, I try