Still building building here! Here are some more progress pictures. I haven't done anything today but buy some tools, build and drink mountain dew. I'm going to clean up a little bit and then go get some Panchero's for dinner. I love that place. Delicious. The whole top of the tree is unfinished at this point. I'm running low on carpet, so I'm trying to figure out what's going to go where and how big everything can be. The two pieces (scratching pole and bed) are not connected now, just a rough estimate of how this is going to be finished out. The actual bed will be much bigger than what's pictured and will have some walls and such. It'll probably have to have some different carpet/bedding as I'll probably run out. Oh well, it'll make that part more comfortable!

Also according to my girlfriend, in one of the pictures from last night there's a suspicious bulge...

Also according to my girlfriend, in one of the pictures from last night there's a suspicious bulge...
And yes Jynee, I'm feeling much better today. The last few days I was having some problems that seemed like might be leading up to the same issue, but they seem to have cleared up thus far today and things are going well. Thanks for the concern
I'm on campus until 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and until 6pm on Tues. and Thurs. due to labs. I'm not exactly thrilled.
My loans are also on hold, AGAIN. I swear to god...I'm going to burn the fucking office down. This is getting ridiculous, EVERY semester I've run into some sort of problem. They have morons working there, I swear.
I will spend about $550-$600 on books this semester. I am uber-not-impressed.
I have had three hours of sleep. I'm losing my mind.
I am poor.
There's a group of us going to the hookah bar this Friday. If you'd like to join.