Well, it feels like a Monday after the holiday, so let me say, What I weekend (Tuesday/Wednesday) that was! Let's see. Tuesday morning I woke up to take my final exam in Construction Engineering. The TA that was supposed to proctor it never showed, so I had to track down someone from the office that had a copy of the test to distribute to us. I took about 10 minutes (max) to complete it and got the hell outta dodge, baby! I headed right for Lawrence, KS to visit my old roommate and buddy Tanner. We went to one of the greatest concerts (potentially) ever! I was pumped PUMPED! to see Streetlight Manifesto play with Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake. PUMPED! Last summer I went to see SM and RBF but was too late to see SM, so I was determined to see them this time. Son of a bitch, I had to rely on Tanner to get us there. He didn't. He got losted and fucked up and it took a looooong time to get there. I got to hear three songs by SM (which is better than the half song I got to see last summer) so I took it for what it was worth. RBF came on stage right after and kicked some ass. I skanked all night long baby. I don't care if no one around me was dancing, I sure as hell was. I danced my hiney off... and I can't dance. No one was really that excited for LTJ. I expected them to play before RBF, so they ended up closing the show and the excitement was pretty gone. Plus they said a lot of "mother fuckers" "KANSAS CITY!!!!!!" and shit like that. Plus they tried to get the crowd to scream "FUCK GERMANY" because they'd just gotten back from a tour overseas. I didn't chant, and someone booed them - which made me happy. FUCK HATE! That's what I say. Anyways, they had a Price is Right theme and games during their show, so that was pretty rad none-the-less.
Now, I'm not normally a picture guy, but I took tons because I'm putting together a package for my homesick soldier best friend in Iraq and he'll like to see them. So I'll put them up here in a second.
Eh, I'm tired of typing and I have a lot of shit to do. So I'll just say that the next morning on the way to visit my girlfriend I got a speeding ticket for 87 in a 65. Yeah, that's $208 down the drain. I'm trying to get an Iowa license before the KS DMV tries to take my license away for the speeding. Wish me luck.
Now, it's picture time!
Ah fuck balls. All my pictures suck. So do all of the videos.
Well, to make it up to you, I'll show you my latest do...due?.. dew? Um, hair.

I'm thinking it's a little Sawyer from Lost style. Though, not quite as long. I might dig it... we'll see.
Ha, do you dig the ridiculous forehead tan line?
Now, I'm not normally a picture guy, but I took tons because I'm putting together a package for my homesick soldier best friend in Iraq and he'll like to see them. So I'll put them up here in a second.
Eh, I'm tired of typing and I have a lot of shit to do. So I'll just say that the next morning on the way to visit my girlfriend I got a speeding ticket for 87 in a 65. Yeah, that's $208 down the drain. I'm trying to get an Iowa license before the KS DMV tries to take my license away for the speeding. Wish me luck.
Now, it's picture time!
Ah fuck balls. All my pictures suck. So do all of the videos.
Well, to make it up to you, I'll show you my latest do...due?.. dew? Um, hair.

I'm thinking it's a little Sawyer from Lost style. Though, not quite as long. I might dig it... we'll see.
Ha, do you dig the ridiculous forehead tan line?
Growing your hair out huh?...looks cute!...and make sure you do traffic school!