This week has kicked ass pretty well. I got baked and saw Pan's Labyrinth, which was amazing, and I also got an A on my Italian Renissance art midterm, and tonight I went to my friend's bonfire which was fuckin' excellent. And the weather is even nice and warm. I drank the primavera beer of spring which was a frothy but warm Miller High Life....
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Haha!! Good job. Yes we had chicken feet. Didn't know it til the lady sharing a table with us was like "Wow you guys are brave! Chicken feet and snails!" We were like
Anyway, nice one on the throwing up. Always makes ya feel better. Um, I WANT A FLIPPER T SHIRT! All caps, for emphasis on the wanting part. Can I send you money for one? Oh man!!

I totally remember seeing that pics folder way back when! You need to find that album, man! I'm PMing you my info for the shirt. You rule!
Answer me this: is there any fundamental metaphysical difference between a universe that's completely predetermined or a universe that's completely random, at least as far as human faculties can perceive? I thought this up while I was smoking weedijuana and talking to my friend John in an IRC channel we created and named "#letsfuck." We spent some quality time, it was enlightening. 

That is a great story. If I decide to run a "Grandpa Stories" thing in our zine, can I use that? I may or may not do it, but can I?
Truer words have never been spoken.... You are a smarty
Who are your faivourite Harmonicalists?
Hayden is damn good, but he pretty much owes his style to Neil Young...and thats all the harmonicalists I can think of at the moment, though it is late as I write this.....
Hayden is damn good, but he pretty much owes his style to Neil Young...and thats all the harmonicalists I can think of at the moment, though it is late as I write this.....
It's 2:40 AM and right now I would do anything for a pack of Lucky Strikes, a hamsteak, and some lima beans.
I met GG Allin's brother (and bassist) Merle a couple of weeks ago. He was really cool and he had these dreadlocks coming out of his beard that went down to his shins. He probably thought that we were 'tards but he hung out with me and my friends for a little while until some chick he was going to fuck or something showed up....
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Did he just have beard dreadlocks, or normal dreadlocks as well? I think I would have asked him what he planned to do with the dreadlocks while having sex. As GG's brother, he probably is cool with questions like that.
Keen! My band recorded a new song with vocals by yours truly, it's called "Too Cool to Masticate." Actually, it's not a new song, we've been playing it for a few months, but we just now recorded it. It's on our myspace page at a listen and tell me what you think. Or don't, but, I mean, I wouldn't want to have to...
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Tonight I drank a 40, a few shots of whisky, smoked some drugs, smoked a shitload of cigarettes, saw Peelander-Z, started a few circle pits, and found out that I have no money. In fact, I have less than no money, I have -$50. I was yelling about it to a bunch of people. Also my friend and I collectively lost our favorite hat, told...
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Went to a kickass hardcore show last night, my ears are still ringing. Today I've been listening to DRI, Prince Buster, Chelsea, Shostakovich, the Cure, Fields of the Nephilim, the Meatmen, Necros, Reagan Youth, and Black Flag. I need to buy a crack pipe at some point so I can smoke cookie crumbs out of it and say: "Yeah, I smoke crack, bitch, so what?"
Bonerfied. Ha! That was funy. Have a bunch of balloons!
Prince Buster is amazing...

Prince Buster is amazing...

Why do you know everything?? Are the Messiah?? Hmmm, never read the Stranger. But by gosh, I will!
I'm hoping that my band will learn some new covers for our next show because I really want to do the Stooges' "Search and Destroy," and "Dead or Alive" by Johnny Thunders. Hopefully next show we play we're actually going to get our act together and bring all of our stupid props, like our nerf baseball bats for our Mad Max inspired song "Thunderdome," and...
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Pudding + Diarrhea Songs = Awesome Gimmick.
You, my good sir, rock.
Pudding + Diarrhea Songs = Awesome Gimmick.
You, my good sir, rock.

Hey Ska Boss! I am ripitupandrun! Silly...
It's a long story--long and boring and not worth telling.

{i hope}