So i went to my friends 21st birthday party at the chelsea hotel in manhattan last night got plastered, took 2 cups filled with rum out of the hotel, took a taxi to the subway and proceeded to pass out between subway cars puking. I puked blood and a very nice young man informed me evetually that it was my stop ( i stepped in... Read More
this reminded me of you too: (605): you know how they say when you die, your whole life flashed before you? well do you get to see what happened all the nights you blacked out?
Sick as a dog...haven left my bed in going on 3 days....hope i don't fail classes. I am accepting donations for copious amounts of nyquil so that i can sleep this sickness away. also accepting volunteers to rip my throat out...
also if anyone knows anyone looking for an apartment in moving and need someone to take over my lease.
Been a bit busy the last few days. Mercie is finally living with me!! It's weird how just that changed how i've been feeling. Suddenly i want to take pictures, even if its just a few, and i smile and laugh and just feel way better than i have been recently. THANKS MERCIE!
Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers,
And laid entwined together on a bed of clover,
And left there to sleep,
Left there to dream of their happiness.
So as many of you know, i took a road trip to visit my Mercie. Heres the story of how it happened. I figured i'd write it down for posterity.
So on sunday at about 3pm, i had about 8 kids in my room that had slept over after a party on saturday. We were all talking and eating and we were on skype... Read More
MERCIE HURRY UP. i wanna go to the mall. so we can be 'those guys (and a gal)' who scoff at people at make fun of everyone. Also..your dog and ruben are making sex faces at eachother....
BALLIN'!!! step dad is buying me cable and internet....i got 200$ for work today!!!! too bad i dont get to enjoy all going to rent next month. Anyone in NYC need a male prostitute? i need some more cash money!
True story, bro, true story. That is one of the biggest reasons that I miss living there. I have no clue what people are talking about when they talk about "rude NYers." New Yorkers are some of the coolest people that I have ever met. I'm not talking about the people that come in from out of town and work there, I'm talking about real New Yorkers, people that actually live there.