today i got up early and went to another day at work. Yesterday wasnt a good day...i just didnt quite feel like myself at all. Too many pills..i guess. i was dizzy and completely out of it and sick to my stomach and not happy at all. i feel kinda better today. i guess im not ready to go back to school yet i decided-ill prolly go back in the next 6 months. I have to go back tho,..i keep telling myself,..i HAVE TO! but fawk i hate school.
i am going to look at an apartment tom. which i will prolly move in to,..alone tho not with jay. he will stay but he doesnt want bills to pay and he needs to be at home with his mom since his dad died. I CANNOT go home, i will be working alot so i can pay. this apartment is badass. its meditteranean style,..wood floors-steel appliances and granite counter tops with trach lighting. so im quite excited,..b/c i hope to move in june 1st..and it has a badass pool and courtyard and that move will be right before summer starts,..hell yeah! so anyway,..what did you do interesting today?
i am going to look at an apartment tom. which i will prolly move in to,..alone tho not with jay. he will stay but he doesnt want bills to pay and he needs to be at home with his mom since his dad died. I CANNOT go home, i will be working alot so i can pay. this apartment is badass. its meditteranean style,..wood floors-steel appliances and granite counter tops with trach lighting. so im quite excited,..b/c i hope to move in june 1st..and it has a badass pool and courtyard and that move will be right before summer starts,..hell yeah! so anyway,..what did you do interesting today?
The apartment sounds fuckin beautiful !!!