uhh .. anyone here a morgan lol? I have this chick I guess I added on facebook and I have no idea who she is. But she is pretty win *shrug* . Besides that... just normal life. Working on these bs starter classes at school till I get to my actual comp ones..passed out of keyboarding so trying to add another but my program manager...
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10 Days till Halo 4. Cheah.. Oh . and side note.. We are having another baby girl ( 5 months pregish atm ) and I got fired so I enrolled in school and am now going for Computer Science * Networking . While looking for another job obvisously since full time is only 3 nights a week :]
Meh. Life times lol. But ty ty :]
Awes.... Life can be fun love smile
just gotta bunch of random phone calls. one from a skype and one that had 13 numbers.. hmm
Been slacking here. Quit my job after i had a couple accidents and almost died from working to much etc :] . But my boss really liked me i guess and made a new position at the company that takes less work is during the day time and i get paid the same so i can come back lol. So im starting that monday..and till...
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So I had entered the wrong expiration date for my debit card..and my account had expired...but i was still using it fine lol? Updated it now but yeah
You know how it is when you wake up and you're like damn it feels like I got hit by a truck?that's how I feel right now..cept I fell asleep and ran my sweeper truck into. Flatbed 18 wheeler
Wait.... did you really get in a accident?
i seriously ran my work truck into a flatbed semi . sucked lol had a little piece of metal in one knee other banged up minor cuts on my hand sall good beside that
Ight listen up. And excuse errors trying to phhone sg and I have issues concentrating so will be scattered. Now first , this is for all intents and purposes a porn site. I pay the 50 a year to come (ha) here and look at pics and videos and chat with sexy ass alternative chicks and faplike I'm tryna break my dick lol. Sometimes if...
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Okay. So I seriously need to start bringing a laptop or something with me..half my nights driving 12-14 hour days sometimes..sucks balls. Starting a diet/workout routine today..been getting to fat having my girl make me subway lol . Theres This ( https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=359180977455125&set=pb.198720743501150.0.1345478259&type=3&theater ) going on in a couple weeks..be a little better by then hopefully. Riding my bike to work , Starving my self, Situps...
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3rd shift is like dry anal sex. Anyone entertai
ning can hit me up at 540 256 473 5. Will. Update blog in the am