FUck balls . been way to busy , working a shit lot , fell asleep and got raped by a truck with a trailer hitch.. so sat outside for 6 hours and rebuilt the front end of my car with pliers and a 2x4. .. my raise and back pay all got ficed at work finally..moved into a new apt..same price but closer to work and alot nice and twice the size..so thats pimp. also just found out my girls preg again :] bout 6 weeks..munchking bout 6 months. so yeah lol her parents didnt like that much..and playing the fuck outta halo in my spare time cus h4s coming out soon :]
peace love penis/vagina/whatevs
peace love penis/vagina/whatevs
ummm... i just wrote a blog and i wrote the phrase 'fuck balls' in it. then i was browsing the front page, and this blog caught my eye, because you have said 'fuck balls' as well. this is very interesting to me. i didnt think anyone else said that haha. well shit.