So I had entered the wrong expiration date for my debit card..and my account had expired...but i was still using it fine lol? Updated it now but yeah
You know how it is when you wake up and you're like damn it feels like I got hit by a truck?that's how I feel right now..cept I fell asleep and ran my sweeper truck into. Flatbed 18 wheeler
Wait.... did you really get in a accident?
i seriously ran my work truck into a flatbed semi . sucked lol had a little piece of metal in one knee other banged up minor cuts on my hand sall good beside that
Ight listen up. And excuse errors trying to phhone sg and I have issues concentrating so will be scattered. Now first , this is for all intents and purposes a porn site. I pay the 50 a year to come (ha) here and look at pics and videos and chat with sexy ass alternative chicks and faplike I'm tryna break my dick lol. Sometimes if...
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Okay. So I seriously need to start bringing a laptop or something with me..half my nights driving 12-14 hour days sometimes..sucks balls. Starting a diet/workout routine today..been getting to fat having my girl make me subway lol . Theres This ( https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=359180977455125&set=pb.198720743501150.0.1345478259&type=3&theater ) going on in a couple weeks..be a little better by then hopefully. Riding my bike to work , Starving my self, Situps...
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3rd shift is like dry anal sex. Anyone entertai
ning can hit me up at 540 256 473 5. Will. Update blog in the am
FUck balls . been way to busy , working a shit lot , fell asleep and got raped by a truck with a trailer hitch.. so sat outside for 6 hours and rebuilt the front end of my car with pliers and a 2x4. .. my raise and back pay all got ficed at work finally..moved into a new apt..same price but closer to work...
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ummm... i just wrote a blog and i wrote the phrase 'fuck balls' in it. then i was browsing the front page, and this blog caught my eye, because you have said 'fuck balls' as well. this is very interesting to me. i didnt think anyone else said that haha. well shit.
Ever get that feeling that you know the random person you're looking at ? like youve seen/met them somewhere before. fuck the bars name was like..something clam or oyster down in st pete. idk. saw this chick the other night at work..couldve sworn ive met her before. idk. other than that..got my concealed carry class done..so just gotta wait to go to the applicaiton appointment....
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Actually REALLY fucking like this. Was super surprised.
Haha No faith son? :] . Hes amazing
I dont update this enough at all lol. but i waste my time in other less productive ways. :] Check out my facebook for pics n shit. but currently got a promotion , got my 45 , got some other win shit planned :p and cheya
5:30 am. this third shift shit is fucking my mind. :] . AH, got the pc my girls dad gave us all set up..dual core ubuntu 12.04 etc etc..pretty pimp. not amazing. but better than ive had ina while. Replaced my fucked phone with a android.. :] Which deffinitely wins. works been going pretty good..trying to pump some alternative energy costs through the company..working on...
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holy shit. so my computer broker lost my phone fucked up my new wallet/pants/and ripped my boots in half and the car was dieing. lameness. andd i had to work for easter weekend / my b day :[ tears. but getting everything fixed now..finally got the computer back up.. and you all should give me late b day nakedness :] just sayin. oh and im...
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Happy belated birthday nerd.
lol thank ya thank ya . butttt wheres my man titty shot anti? :p