Living in Aiken again, traveling to Tampa when I can to see the kids. Training to be a firefighter/working with the volunteer station and start academy in august.
Living in Atlanta now.
I used to live in Fayetteville....about 40min from Austel
Single Now
Is this good... Or bad?
Meh. Why not both? :]
Meh. Letting my account run out ive decided. Ill be around till then.
This seems sad. 

Sex, Now, Please, Thank you
hell yes!
apokalypse:'re welcome...? HAHA!
Birthday Cunts!?! :] . I spent my clubbing money on shit i needed like pants and razors and hair clippers. Being old is lame. But I shall find one of my girls skanky friends to come over meh.
Hmm, why do you want a skank later? 

This is copied from one of my posts in another group, in response to a idea presented in a thread. Now look, their is people on here I think are cool, that I have no problem and in fact enjoy talking to about normal shit, or that I consider friends. I also believe rape, stalking, or anything prefacing it should get the death penalty. That...
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meh. tired sick, babies sick. lol sall good though i guess. schools all good last week of the semester, final paper for comp, exam and net+ certification monday. girls working now, so some money coming in. just need to feel a little better, and slightly increase the flow of 3sums and life will be perfect. well, maybe some chinese food too.
Munchkinds and girl doing good, oldest walking now. Though I am sick as fuck this week. Had some funtime with the girl and a friend this past week, was win :] . more later
New tat, I will put up some pics tomorrow. Or try to anyway. Baby is due looking forward to her, although itll fuck up school and life for a little bit again :] Other babys first b day is three days after due that should be interesting lol.
And I need a hooker. :]
And I need a hooker. :]
No hooker for you, future daddy (or should I say future double-daddy)! Good luck with the new little one. 

lol. Sexually aware hot chicks who consent to exploring their boundaries?
But yes thank you :]
But yes thank you :]
Why does my 11 month old think the word ass is hilarious?