The modern incarnation of Batwoman is Kate Kane, who appears for the first time in 2006. She operates in Gotham City during the absence of Batman due to the events of Infinite Crisis (2005).
Batwoman is redhead, usually appearing with mid-length hair. Kathy Kane is a cousin of Bruce Wayne, she is homosexual, because of DC Comics' efforts to put more diversity into their publications.
Young, she was taken hostage with her mother and sister by terrorists, she will be the only survivor. After joining the army for a while, she will become an alcoholic and be rescued by Batman from delinquents. No longer wanting to be saved by anyone she will become Batwoman.
Her methods are more violent than those of Batman, and does not hesitate to use firearms, which the black knight disapproves.
She will be introduced during the crossover series related to the shared universe (Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl) in autumn 2018, before having its own series in 2019. it 's Ruby Rose who will embody it.