Well i went to my first app. this morning to fill out all the paperwork and bloodtests and all that fun stuff. So i was telling the nurse i dont really know when my last . was cause im so irregular. So she had me go and get an ultrasound done to see how far along i am and i saw my little baby and saw the heartbeat. I love that....its so awesome. So im 2 months and my due date is March 15, 2006.
Thats all for now......

Thats all for now......

my mom calls me at like 11:30am today to tell me gas prices are going up..then all sneaky like tells me that my ex(who I dated for all 4yrs of h.s) supposidly moved back into his parents house..2 doors down from her. and maybe I might want to call him.
what the fuck!? ok. let me tell you this, I never really felt closure with him. it ended bad. and yeah we've hung out a couple times since then but in the back of my mind I always do the "what if" thoughts. bad bad I am.
anyways..so she tells me this..and NO i'm not going to call. but it does mean he's single. because last time I saw him he was living with his gf at her moms house. and he didnt have a job or a car.(lame ass) so if he moved back home that means they broke up.
but goddamn it. I'm tired of wondering where my life would be if I'd had a second chance to be with him. but WHY do I think that? he's the one who cheated on me and broke up with me almost 5 freakin years ago. so why do I wonder. I'm so fucked up.
but I do love you.
ok..after much debate..I'm not going to get my septum done. I'm going to get a nostril pierced..and my lip done. maybe I'll do my septum another time down the road..I dunno.