well we take off today to my mom's vacation home in bethal island....woot..woot.....leaving tonight and stayin there till monday. its gonna be a weekend of sun , booze , jet ski's , and sex with my hubby. what could be better......
hope ya'll have a great memorial weekend....i know i plan to......
Update: my honey came home early....yay!!! takin off now.....catch ya'll lata....

hope ya'll have a great memorial weekend....i know i plan to......

Update: my honey came home early....yay!!! takin off now.....catch ya'll lata....
thank you sweetheart! I want to see you again.
hey sugar...I'm ok. I'm going to TRY to talk the boy into moving half way between where we live and my work. there's a townhouse for only $50 more then we pay now. 3 levels!! it'd be so much better for us. but I dont know..since he'd have to get a car and we'd have to have deposit money and move all within a couple weeks. doubt it'd happen. but just for once I want him to give MY way. I've been giving HIS way for 2yrs now. GRR. and I think it'd work out better for us to save up to move to cali. I dont know. we'll see.