I so want to make these !!! skittle Vodka's
So to get everyone up to speed in what's going on in my life :
Remember dude who just was it a good friend, and wouldn't talk to me? well we did end up having a conversation about 3 weeks ago which turned out really nice. do I feel the same way now? NO cock ( which is his name) told someone something that I asked not to share with anyone.... and well it happens .. I know, since the moment that he lied and told me he was not going to tell anyone, I have been harassed by emails and lost a lot of friends. He made excuses to me and told me that he was really sorry but he needed to talk to someone about this. ( I know sorry I can't tell you SG Land) I tried to get over it and we hung out this past weekend and stuff... but then it was eating at me and all those hateful emails started getting to me and I told him that we needed to talk...Last night we were going to talk... Last night he never came. I called him text him, talked to his brother.. I felt like I was a wife or gf. I cried and felt stupid 4 thinking that he was working on our friendship and it was all a lie.
I stayed up all night and thought in my head that their must be something wrong with me. i see him drop everything for his other friends, so I wonder what's the hell wrong with me!!!
I talked to my one friend, who also knows him and she is wonderful and never judges... Anya told me that she sent him a message to see if everything was okay and why he was it answering his phone. He actually responded to her and said "He just got home and his phone was charging, and he didn't understand why everyone was freaking out!! and he was going to bed "
A half hour later I got a text message from him saying the same thing!! I got very mad that he would text My friend and give her reasons when he screwed me over!!... I cried again ( which is something I've been doing alot of) you know what though I sat their and cried and then I just stopped ...something clicked inside of me and I was like... What the Hell am I doing? Cock does not deserve me as a friend!! why am I wasting my town with a huge headache and I couldn't cry anymore and I was so sick of feeling pity and poor about myself!!! I deserve better and he does not deserve me!!!
so that's it I'm done I wash my hands of him.. I do hope he realizes that I'm a good friend and he lost me!!!
Article I'm reading : Rules of Life
Seriously, it isn't easy, but sounds like he was a douche-canoe anyway. There is no reason to keep people like that in your life. I don't know what is worse, people who don't care or people who don't understand when their behavior hurts others. Either way, neither will do you any good.
Chin up!