I want my coffee to come with cute sayings in the foam.... I think that would be cool
but more importantly I want my coffee to come in this mug

It's sunny today, I'm not going to say it's warm. but the sun is out.
Yesterday I realized that, some of my friends Just are not that into me. Which I think is a funny way to put it.
Here's the story :
I got tickets to this show, my one friend would love this band because it's his kinda music. So I invited him. He works a lot and I told him to let me know. 2 days before the show I text him and asked him if he had to work and if he was going to go. He forgot all about it and told me so.
Okay so he forgot it happens, but it always happens, he always forgets to do what he says he's going to do when it comes to me. He always says he's going to text me and he never does. I'm pretty much done. I think I have different views on friendship, I don't like to use people, but I feel like that's what friendship means to people.
I gave some idea's to my tattoo artist and he's going to draw up some pics for my sleeve. I just want this to be done !!!!
Last day off and then work tomorrow gross....
I'm so hungry !!!
that's it for now
What your friend did is bullshit. This is why I recently instituted my "three strikes, you're out" rule. When I was looking to move back to NM, I had a ton of friends and family who claimed they wanted to hang out and meet my kids. Of those who have bothered to even continue to talk to me, only two have bothered to actually visit. The others either are too busy or keep forgetting.
I have also instituted the rules for dating. If a girl tells me she doesn't like kids? Strike! She starts talking about marriage within 5 minutes? Strike! She keeps going on about her ex-boyfriend/husband in a longing manner? Strike! And yes, that last one just happened to me. I mean, come on people!
Bitchslap is a Grindhouse style movie produced by some of members of the Raimi camp who also worked on Hercules and Xena. Besides having the cast from both of those shows, it has the same campy special effects teams. It was funny and so so wrong, but I am still trying to figure out if I actually liked it. It was kind of a visual rape really. It will be a cult favorite I am sure.
I'm good. Gearing up for my trip to Ruidoso next week. I will be gone during my birthday.
I do have a friend going with me, but I doubt anything will come of it. Either way, I plan on relaxing, having fun, and spending a lot of time in a Jacuzzi.
And so ends my mini-novel for today. hehe