Another Night of not sleeping, Just tossing and turning looking at the clock a couple times a hour. Hate sleepless nights, if shows that my days are going to be filled with mistakes and upsets.
So Yesterday I got this email from a friend of mine : "not to bring up a sore subject for u or anything but u make it really difficult to interpret correctly what ur trying to say when ur messages lack spelling, grammar, and punctuation, sorry... ".....
and Yeah I got my feelings hurt, I think it's the best to always be honest with People and tell them how it is,, but I feel like he snubbed me here . Maybe I'm being insensitive and I should take blame on the fact that I just don't care about my grammar and such matters. ( I actually got A's in English) but I guess I do care since my feelings got hurt. I care because I don't go around and point out everyone's faults in Life, I have that done to me way to much and I don't think it's fair... I thanked him for being honest and for letting me know why he rarely returned my emails.
which I didn't get a reply from....
Artwork I'm looking at :

Amy Sol is really a great artist check out her other work.
Tomorrow I'm making ribs for my friends and yes I'm very nervous very nervous. I spent way to much money on my ribs and I have nothing left for sides, except maybe mash and green beans.... sigh I hope it goes well
music I"m listening to
What I"m watching on Youtube :
I'm in love with this Cinnamon coffee Yummy
well off to my shitty I mean wonderful job....

Can we get any sleep....seriously! I'm still up again and have had insomnia. I can't believe that Owl video.

happy sunday