I love this pic!!!
Last night I want and watched Alice in Wonderland with pawko4b, it was his treat since I"m so very poor right now. I really enjoyed the movie and we say it in 3D as well which was very good !!!

I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Why is it always so cold in the movies, I was shivering and my nipps were hard haha

I want one of these, Vanilla bourbon it sounds so yummy !!!

Today I called off work, which yes I will be getting written up for my knees are huge softballs and I'm in so much pain. but I can't keep working on them and ruining them more, People call off for being hungover I always go to work. Though my shitty boss hung up on me after I told her

It's actually sunny today and I hear warm though I won't be able to do anything bc of my legs this is really exciting for me. tired of this cold fucking weather.

3D glasses are just way cool

this is my shadow and I thought it was cool
have a great day
Your hair is amazing in the darker shade!!