Two days of cabin fever, is starting to eat at me. Atleast the sun is high in the sky today, melt damn snow melt!! Have it worked in two days, tomorrow there's always tomorrow.
I'm on Twitter
Heathers twitter
So follow me or say hello. I'm still here !!! but I know soon I will be gone and you all will be but a memory I have a facebook as well
look me up this way
I hate my boobs they are so small nipples look like chewed up pieces of gum
My daughter's hamster passed away, she took it hard : (
I'll be on later
I'm on Twitter
Heathers twitter
So follow me or say hello. I'm still here !!! but I know soon I will be gone and you all will be but a memory I have a facebook as well
look me up this way

I hate my boobs they are so small nipples look like chewed up pieces of gum
My daughter's hamster passed away, she took it hard : (
I'll be on later
and no one is going to notice your nipples if my lips are on them.