Dealing with the bad choices I stood at my front door at 4 am with my crutch in one hand, holding it like a weapon . My other hand had my phone in it. I placed all my weight on my good knee and cracked my toes on my right leg trying to find a comfortable way to hold it.
The girl upstairs was screaming. I jumped and clenched the crutches harder as the male voice screamed again To get the fuck out , over and over again he said this as the girl screamed.
What do I do? call the cops? Let them go at it was he killing her. I froze in fear and not wanting to bother or really get in anyone's life. Shame on me for this.
My upstairs Neighbors were robed beat up pretty badly and was robbed and I stood in my apartment with a busted knee and did nothing. Why is this?
I put myself in situations were I threw myself in things I shouldn't have why didn't I call the police? Why didn't I run upstairs and hit these stupid fucks with my crutch? Why did I think the worst Of my neighbor when he was nothing but loving to his girl and nice to me? Why did I think the worse of him and kept my mouth shut and didn't do anything?
How can I bitch about society and I've become like everyone else!! This disappoints me. I know myself, I've done mistakes in the past and I always understood them but this, this I don't get .
Why would I stand around and not do anything? Even if he was hurting her why wouldn't I help? I do know that it's over with, and I can't change or I had no control over it but I just got a glimpse of myself and I really don't like it.
i am pretty good i suppose? thanx for asking
how are you? i wonder..