Happy New Year!!!!
I just got home from my mothers Pork and Yucky crout
Not a big fan at all. But I swallowed it done feeling the slimy crout sliding down my throat. and I did it with a wonderful smile on my face.
I think it's funny how mothers are so annoying it's like programmed in them. My mother kept talking over my older sisters story bc My mother has done it better or whatever then my sister.
I felt bad for my sister. Then my mother kept talking about how she gained 20 pounds and she needed to loose weight. My mother is thin and I'm sister well she has some meat on her bones and I can see the depression seeping in.
Then I got scolded for texting while we were sitting at the dinner table though the dishes were cleared off and desert was done and the fam was trying to see who could finish off all the wine in the house. My mother thought she was being cute and took my phone away like I was some bad child in school.
Did I tell you I was going to be 32 this tuesday? My mother has forgotten that
How was everyone elses New Year?
I just got home from my mothers Pork and Yucky crout

I think it's funny how mothers are so annoying it's like programmed in them. My mother kept talking over my older sisters story bc My mother has done it better or whatever then my sister.

Then I got scolded for texting while we were sitting at the dinner table though the dishes were cleared off and desert was done and the fam was trying to see who could finish off all the wine in the house. My mother thought she was being cute and took my phone away like I was some bad child in school.
Did I tell you I was going to be 32 this tuesday? My mother has forgotten that
How was everyone elses New Year?
So 32 on tuesday?