Andrew Fosters whimsical and erotic nudes seem to simultaneously lampoon and pay homage to the Impressionists. His pastel landscapes are completely devoid of men, and the women that inhabit them seem not to mind.


It's been a couple of day's since I last wrote a blog. I"ve been busy, Just trying to breathe , sometimes it's hard to take a breath when you feel like your insides are being squeezed by a invisible force . I started going to a work program, It's where you sit in work shops and they tell you what you should do to better your chances in getting the job. Then they give you websites where Jobs are located at so you can fill out apps.
I think it was good that I stayed here in Pa, though there is a a big part of me that wishe's I did run away.
What has been going on in my world:
- My friend Giles Has been telling other friends that I'm dying and I need money for meds , so they've given him money and he's spent it on crack. (huh)
-I had two interview and i'm waiting to here back from them.
- I got my cash help from the county... only 300 dollars a month, my rent is almost 500 (hmm)
-I"m sick with the flu
- I cry almost every day
- my good friend is in town and I'm having fun with him, Sperm donor talks more to me now when I'm with my friend, ( I think bc my friend is really hot and very funny, there's some Jealousy going on there)
- My friends are a mess but I can't be there for them... this makes me sad
Today I'm doing the whole camping thing with my daughter. I miss her so much
what's new with everyone else
- My friend Giles Has been telling other friends that I'm dying and I need money for meds , so they've given him money and he's spent it on crack. (huh)
Wow. You need some new friends, stat! LoL