It seems that I'm learning more and more everyday that I can't move forward without giving something up.
It's frustrating. And most times when I realize this i get angry. Mostly angry with myself for not being able to always handle an overflowing plate.
Like taking on a new career that doesn't leave time for some of my favorite things. Giving up something that you love it's the hardest. But when things that used to make you happy start adding to the stress rather than taking from it, it's time to step back while you rearrange and adjust to these changes.
Those are the times that I have to sit down and put things into a new perspective for myself. Just because I have to give it up for now, doesn't mean forever.
Lots of changes happening in the next little while that will hopefully allow life to be just that little bit easier in the future. Just need to work hard for it now, in order to benefit later.