I am!
My first journal entry...haven't got much to tell, since I'm back from Indo nothing much least nothing that I would want to go public. It seems to be getting colder everyday and after 6 month in the tropics it fells like fucking Antarctica! I miss the surf and the sun...
The weekend was crazy because I made up my mind and decided to move to anotehr city...somtimes you really need a change!
I hope someone will write me...

My first journal entry...haven't got much to tell, since I'm back from Indo nothing much least nothing that I would want to go public. It seems to be getting colder everyday and after 6 month in the tropics it fells like fucking Antarctica! I miss the surf and the sun...
The weekend was crazy because I made up my mind and decided to move to anotehr city...somtimes you really need a change!
I hope someone will write me...
The very infectious "tagging virus" is going on here, it caught me, and now you got it. Looks like you'll have to write 20 things about yourself, just like I had to, and then you have to "tag" 5 other people and tell them to do the same!
have fun!
it has been a while since my last entry, but know that I'm infected i have to write....yeah, the tagging virus's got me.
@Annakarina: Next time we should use a Condome to be save from evil viruses, like this one
1 - I'm actually Dutch, but I don't speak any!
2 - Surfing is my religion;
3 - Anne is my goddess;
4 - I've got reef scars on my back;
5 - I lived in Bali, Indonesia for half a year;
6 - I will go to Myanmar in February;
7 - I'm always tired;
8 - my girlfriend's girlfriend, she's my girl, too.
9 - nevertheless I think that my dick is a little bit to small, but actually it's not;
10 - to quote Annakarina: "I love to make love with many people";
11 - and, yes, I love good porn (actually I love everything involving sweet girls and sex.)
12 - my baby and me just bought a videocamera...guess what for!!!
13 - my sister is gonna be an Attorney;
14 - I think my parents are really cool;
15 - I don't like some of my friends;
16 - I never ever drank alcohol;
17 - I'm a vegetarian;
18 - I'm waiting for my American Fender Strat HH Hardtail in black, which I ordered a month ago and I'm thinking about getting a new amp aswell ;
19 - I'm in the "mile high club";
20 - if I could start my life over again, I wouldn't change a thing.
I'll get some sleep now...
"sekali berarti, sudah itu mati"