"Hello sweet people how are you all? I have been my very busy self as usual running the roads teaching classes and working with clients. The kid's are busy between hockey and ballet and my daughter is pre paring for the up coming christmas concert were she will sing a solo her first time ever. I'm going to be the proud mom in the front taking pictures and video taping and singing along. I have to get out shopping for Christmas i haven't even started yet which is not like me i usually have everything pretty much done by now. I do have my tree up and it loks beautiful i went at it after i let the kid's decorate and fixed all the bunched up ornaments and the 10 ornaments on one branch, got too love kid's they are so sweet. Well i hope everyone has had a chance to check out Rescue Me and gave it some love. I am so excited for Dec.9th i have another set coming out and it is totally rad it is a Christmas theme set and it's fun,sweet,sexy and cute all in one set. I was going to what to give you sneak peak of it but i can't wait i want to hear what you all think and post a few today and a couple next week before it hit's MR. I hope all of you had a Great Thanksgiving for all that celebrate it and that you ate lot's of yummy turkey. I now leave you with pic's of Waiting For Santa coming to MR DEC9th. Love you all talk PS there are ton's of sexy women and fantastic set's in MR right now i can't believe it so please check them out and vote for you FAV'S

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Thanks beautiful for all u love I really appreciate your support and nice comments always make me, you deserve to be a SG you are super sexy and good person, love u girl