I woke up yesterday morning determined to get fucked up and out of my tree... a few hours later ecstasy and bloody marys were delivered to my house and the debauchery began... eating chocolate mousse pudding while drinking chmpagne and getting head rocks..
4 hours of fucking also rocks.
smoking a million bucket bongs rocks double.
so today.. my house is trashed.. no laundry has been done and we've been out of food for about 2 weeks.. but who the fuck cares... here is what I look like today

what did you guys do?
when i got home sunday i proceeded to polish off a bottle of vodka.
but 4 hours of sex would have been much better! thats what i miss now i is single.
hey who's sorting the disco biscuits for Friday?
i just saw on spankies list that mtlqueen is back
[Edited on Jun 01, 2004 1:05AM]