well inevitably I got through coming home shock whenever I get back. I have a life in the US. Like a complete life with lovers and friends and homes and work if I want it. But coming back I fall in love with Melbourne all over again.. and the desire on Sunday to show people where I COME FROM and where I LIVE overtook me and pawlie and dropped acid and then took photos of our lovely abode. There should be more photos but my memory stick ran out of room. So here it is. Casa de Crackpot.
our vegie garden, beets, lettuces, eggplants, pumpkin, soo many different types of herbs, cat grass, cat nip, chilli, garlic, strawberries, passionfruit

our backyard

my room the day after I got back from the states

our vegie garden, beets, lettuces, eggplants, pumpkin, soo many different types of herbs, cat grass, cat nip, chilli, garlic, strawberries, passionfruit

our backyard

my room the day after I got back from the states

ur just ridiculous! hehe...
how could any lady be more beautiful than you?
awesome photos!!! love garden... wish i could come chill and drink there with you.
looks like home
as my mate said when he came to my house... clutter, but like good clutter
were u drunk when u posted?
love gardens... so great being outer the city in good weather and bbqs and stuff... and your growing PASSIONFRUIT?!
i cant believe we had a frost the other night... so lucky we hadnt put our beans out yet! so far we have potatoes and lettuces and loadsa types of beans...
we have raisberrys and blackcurrants and redcurrents too! guna be making some yum summer puddings!
ur comment last night made me laugh so hard. and i needed it too!
there is nothing greater than being complimented by a truely beautiful woman...x