uh oh
here is the list of things I told my fellow employees last night and end of work christmas drinks
I was a rampant lesbian in my teens
I want to fuck the director I work for AND his gorgeous 19 year old son who also works at my work... fuck them bot h at the same time (and I quote 'I'm totally fucking sick like that'
that I was a dominatrix for 5 years
that Im so desperate for sex that I'm going to take some liquid lsd that I smuggled in from America with my flatmate on New years day.. have some fun adn then go on a masive wankathon
suffice to say..... hrmm I dont really know what to say actually.. I feel good that I got it off my chest well the domme thing anyway.. I'm sick of having secrets.. not too sure about all the other things hahahah one guy said to me at the end of the night.. well you're just a rampant sex maniac arent you....
I think I have to say yes......
here is the list of things I told my fellow employees last night and end of work christmas drinks
I was a rampant lesbian in my teens
I want to fuck the director I work for AND his gorgeous 19 year old son who also works at my work... fuck them bot h at the same time (and I quote 'I'm totally fucking sick like that'
that I was a dominatrix for 5 years
that Im so desperate for sex that I'm going to take some liquid lsd that I smuggled in from America with my flatmate on New years day.. have some fun adn then go on a masive wankathon
suffice to say..... hrmm I dont really know what to say actually.. I feel good that I got it off my chest well the domme thing anyway.. I'm sick of having secrets.. not too sure about all the other things hahahah one guy said to me at the end of the night.. well you're just a rampant sex maniac arent you....
I think I have to say yes......

Have a good one mate
Merry Holidays to you and yours!