things I love right now.....
nuttella.... mmmm
getting the keys to my new house on monday
my shaggy rock mole hair
cuddles from bears
sobbing into the armpits of bears
seeing the rollergirls tonight
being *almost* better
that even thought I am paranoid about it... my tooth is NOT turning black
bill comes back today
jonathan is applying for a visa
have a good weekend...
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nuttella.... mmmm
getting the keys to my new house on monday
my shaggy rock mole hair
cuddles from bears
sobbing into the armpits of bears
seeing the rollergirls tonight
being *almost* better
that even thought I am paranoid about it... my tooth is NOT turning black
bill comes back today
jonathan is applying for a visa
have a good weekend...
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new years was fucking rad.
I made out with a boy for the first time in 14 months.. and he was 21 year old gay boy from sydney!!
always the way.. I was wearing the most disgusting dress.. armpit hair down to my wrists, bleeding like a geyser and I get hit on by the hottest boy at the party.... the scorpio viking...
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I made out with a boy for the first time in 14 months.. and he was 21 year old gay boy from sydney!!
always the way.. I was wearing the most disgusting dress.. armpit hair down to my wrists, bleeding like a geyser and I get hit on by the hottest boy at the party.... the scorpio viking...
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hey, i hope 2008 IS the year of hot sex for you.
for me, i just hope it isn't as stressful as 2007, i'll be happy with that; sex, or no sex.
hey, i hope 2008 IS the year of hot sex for you.
for me, i just hope it isn't as stressful as 2007, i'll be happy with that; sex, or no sex.
well thats enough of that tripe.....
australian music...
try and download...
batrider (technically kiwi)
the new silverchair is absolutely amazing...
any other suggestions fellow australians?
I'm home in Melbourne for Christmas..... if anyone wants to hang out go for a skate let me know....
australian music...
try and download...
batrider (technically kiwi)
the new silverchair is absolutely amazing...
any other suggestions fellow australians?
I'm home in Melbourne for Christmas..... if anyone wants to hang out go for a skate let me know....
whats airbourne????
happy aussie xmas Carla!!!
happy aussie xmas Carla!!!

the one good thing about your ex fiancee becoming a homeless bum possessing a nervous breakdown.. is.. he has no fixed address anymore... so voila! I started receiving his adbusters subscription I bought for his birthday....
Australia has the highest percentage of people who believe that something needs to be done IMMEDIATELY about climate change and do not care if this will cost more money.....
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Australia has the highest percentage of people who believe that something needs to be done IMMEDIATELY about climate change and do not care if this will cost more money.....
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I have too much to say about this post, but I can't get over my desire to beat the fuck out of your cheap ass old flatmate. Let's plot to ruin his/her life! Can't we do that now, with cyber space and all that junk?
I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I finally outlived my four grans this year and it was so sad. Truly the death of childhood.
But, on the other hand, that's not such a bad thing. Childhood is overrated and there's still sweet potato french fries.
I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I finally outlived my four grans this year and it was so sad. Truly the death of childhood.
But, on the other hand, that's not such a bad thing. Childhood is overrated and there's still sweet potato french fries.

Fuck! Talk about raining and pouring!
I'm sorry about all that's bringing you down lil Doll. If there is anyone worthy of lofty heights it's you, if there is anything I can do let me know.
I'm sorry about all that's bringing you down lil Doll. If there is anyone worthy of lofty heights it's you, if there is anything I can do let me know.
sometimes my correspondance says it all....
Current mood: lethargic
dearest daniel san
well. what can I say about rollercamp. There were no tears.. boo... there was no loving either.. double boo... however.. it still kicked major arse and watching all the girls bout on the sunday afternoon was quite simply.. amazing. the media was too full on though. texan rollergirl smartypants who is here to...
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Current mood: lethargic
dearest daniel san
well. what can I say about rollercamp. There were no tears.. boo... there was no loving either.. double boo... however.. it still kicked major arse and watching all the girls bout on the sunday afternoon was quite simply.. amazing. the media was too full on though. texan rollergirl smartypants who is here to...
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Well Hello Beautiful.
me and linz are so seeing Barnsey when he plays over here again... 

well eventful 3 days...
Friday morning I woke up.... rolled over and went back to sleep until 9.45am... I got up and did a little stretching but there was something tugging on my spine.... I couldnt shake it.. what was I supposed to be doing??!.... BIG DAY OUT TICKETS GO ON SALE... I call ticktek.. sold out... I almost cry.... but no. .I dont give...
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Friday morning I woke up.... rolled over and went back to sleep until 9.45am... I got up and did a little stretching but there was something tugging on my spine.... I couldnt shake it.. what was I supposed to be doing??!.... BIG DAY OUT TICKETS GO ON SALE... I call ticktek.. sold out... I almost cry.... but no. .I dont give...
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AAARGH! I'm jealous, you're gonna get to see RATM live (amongst many other awesome acts). Arcade Fire are supposed to be playing too aren't they? I'm going to see them in Manchester tomorrow, can't wait.
Well, what can I say, you just can't describe an atmosphere like that! They filled the MEN arena, which is a crazy amount of people. I'm not a member of the God-squad myself but arcade fire's songs are so anthemic, it's easy to get sucked into the show... you and idunno how many thousand other people.
Fuck me, I can ramble! x
Fuck me, I can ramble! x
my dick.. so hot its stolen
your dick... look like gary coleman

Yeah well, I wish that sign shone more brightly to single girls.
It's depressing.
It's depressing.
I'm fighting off a lurgy. Saturday was spent looking at extremely depressing rental properties. Immigration to Sydney has now legally been halted, so the next city of choice is Melbourne. 50,000 people immigrated to Melbourne last year... 58 new rental properties came on the market. It is *brutal* out there.
I'm going to inspect a few more this week, but this weekend is crunch...
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I'm fighting off a lurgy. Saturday was spent looking at extremely depressing rental properties. Immigration to Sydney has now legally been halted, so the next city of choice is Melbourne. 50,000 people immigrated to Melbourne last year... 58 new rental properties came on the market. It is *brutal* out there.
I'm going to inspect a few more this week, but this weekend is crunch...
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They're going to be Irish and gigantic (with him being 6'4" and me being 5'11"). It's kinda of scary in that regard. And thank you for you very kind words. We're all kinds of excited.
Knitting clothes isn't too bad as long as you realize one sweater sleeve may come out slightly different than the other
I've had my share of experiments. Although since I recently tried baby clothes I find more of an instant gratification as they knit up faster than anything adult size. Why this suprises me, I don't know. I guess I thought smaller needles, smaller gauge, this is going to take so much longer than an adult sweater on large needles. Sometimes my brain doesn't work quite right.
I recently sent an employee of mine to work in Melbourne. It took him several weeks to find a place to rent. I was shocked when he relayed the orderal to me. Best of luck to you.
And that movie list, excellent! I'm a huge David Lynch fan (and love your profile pic). I still recall the first time I watched Blue Velvet. It was quite an experience as some occurences outside my apartment mimicked the movie while I was watching it. Very surreal.
Anyway... take care!
Knitting clothes isn't too bad as long as you realize one sweater sleeve may come out slightly different than the other

I recently sent an employee of mine to work in Melbourne. It took him several weeks to find a place to rent. I was shocked when he relayed the orderal to me. Best of luck to you.
And that movie list, excellent! I'm a huge David Lynch fan (and love your profile pic). I still recall the first time I watched Blue Velvet. It was quite an experience as some occurences outside my apartment mimicked the movie while I was watching it. Very surreal.
Anyway... take care!

ok.. so most of my journal entries are becoming heavily picture based... and its too time consuming do the whole thing on here as well as my many other blogs.... due to not being able to link externally on here.. so join the party with me on myspace or livejournal
only good friends are allowed on LJ as its my 'true' journal.... myspace.....
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only good friends are allowed on LJ as its my 'true' journal.... myspace.....
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i loves ya!
ur forcing me but i'll be sure to log onto livejournal n myspaz more often! xx
ur forcing me but i'll be sure to log onto livejournal n myspaz more often! xx
well inevitably I got through coming home shock whenever I get back. I have a life in the US. Like a complete life with lovers and friends and homes and work if I want it. But coming back I fall in love with Melbourne all over again.. and the desire on Sunday to show people where I COME FROM and where I LIVE overtook me...
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ur just ridiculous! hehe...
how could any lady be more beautiful than you?
awesome photos!!! love garden... wish i could come chill and drink there with you.
looks like home
as my mate said when he came to my house... clutter, but like good clutter

ur just ridiculous! hehe...
how could any lady be more beautiful than you?
awesome photos!!! love garden... wish i could come chill and drink there with you.
looks like home

as my mate said when he came to my house... clutter, but like good clutter


woah way too many smilies in that comment ^ haha
were u drunk when u posted?
love gardens... so great being outer the city in good weather and bbqs and stuff... and your growing PASSIONFRUIT?!
i cant believe we had a frost the other night... so lucky we hadnt put our beans out yet! so far we have potatoes and lettuces and loadsa types of beans...
we have raisberrys and blackcurrants and redcurrents too! guna be making some yum summer puddings!
ur comment last night made me laugh so hard. and i needed it too!
there is nothing greater than being complimented by a truely beautiful woman...x
were u drunk when u posted?
love gardens... so great being outer the city in good weather and bbqs and stuff... and your growing PASSIONFRUIT?!
i cant believe we had a frost the other night... so lucky we hadnt put our beans out yet! so far we have potatoes and lettuces and loadsa types of beans...
we have raisberrys and blackcurrants and redcurrents too! guna be making some yum summer puddings!
ur comment last night made me laugh so hard. and i needed it too!
there is nothing greater than being complimented by a truely beautiful woman...x
uh oh
here is the list of things I told my fellow employees last night and end of work christmas drinks
I was a rampant lesbian in my teens
I want to fuck the director I work for AND his gorgeous 19 year old son who also works at my work... fuck them bot h at the same time (and I quote 'I'm totally fucking...
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here is the list of things I told my fellow employees last night and end of work christmas drinks
I was a rampant lesbian in my teens
I want to fuck the director I work for AND his gorgeous 19 year old son who also works at my work... fuck them bot h at the same time (and I quote 'I'm totally fucking...
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I just dropped by to say happy holidays too you, its been a while.
Have a good one mate
Have a good one mate
On the plus side....umhh...there is a plus side right?
At least you don't have to worry about anyone at work finding that shit out and trying to somehow blackmail you or hang that over your head. At least this way, everything's out in the open and what better a time to say wildly scandalous thingamajigs than at office parties?
Merry Holidays to you and yours!

Merry Holidays to you and yours!
A zerbit is when you press your lips to a belly button and blow really hard...or at least that's what we called it growing up.
i am constantly amazed by the fluff that comes out of my belly. i can keep it and send you some if you want?
so what tatt did you get missy? i'm getting the "i wanna be tattooed NOW" feeling again - its infuriating!
so what tatt did you get missy? i'm getting the "i wanna be tattooed NOW" feeling again - its infuriating!

Other than that, things are golden.