books: just finished the god delusion by richard dawkins. started on living zen and still working on world war z.
movies: i recently downloaded like a dozen movies and need to find time to watch them all. they all look exciting, so maybe i'll try to plan to watch one a night and go to bed a little later than usual.
TV: when is the mid-season hiatus going to be over! i'm enjoying grey's anatomy. i love the office. i want heroes, lost and everything else to come back already.
Video games: i just got a wii. i desperately need more controllers and then to have a wii party at my house. zelda is fun but i really wish the wii had better graphics. i guess i'm spoiled with the 360. also the wii channels aren't that exciting, and the wii virtual console is a bore. the 360 does have a year advantage, but xbox live, arcade, and marketplace is a world better. i still have no interest in a ps3. my ds lite is being sent back to fix the hinge crack problem. it really isn't a problem at all, but i might as well get it fixed if i can.
phones: the iphone looks like fun. i really really don't want to switch to cingular. i'm really broke. the end.
tattoos: i got tattooed for 4 hours on saturday. it was a pain in the back. it was also freezing in oakland and i was topless in the shop the whole time. oh while getting tattooed i ran into a high school friend that i had no idea lived in my area. she turned out to be a cute lesbian and lives down the street from me, so i think we're going to hang out sometime. anyway, getting tattooed again in a few weeks. i have no money.
social life: it's not going so bad. i'm still not drinking, it's a bit boring but i'm working with it. i went out friday with a friend and we had dinner then met up with her friends after. i felt a little out of place and a drink would have helped, but i dealt with it and i had a good time. i didn't leave my house saturday night...too cold. sunday i had brunch with friends i haven't seen in forever and good times were had. stayed home sunday night again cause i was cold.
work: work is going to be crazy for the next 2 weeks while i desperately try to finish my current movie. i'm still bummed with the gayvn but i've been upset with the whole process for years now. i can deal.
exercising: i went to the gym 3 times last week. i was going to do more but failed. i failed on saturday cause i didn't get to bed til like 3 or 4. i failed on sunday cause my back was sore from tattoos. this week i should do better i hope.
romance: i really think this girl who works at the trader joe's by my work is really cute. she might like girls though and anyway i really have no idea how to talk to someone while they're at work. so this is probably going to go nowhere. on friday i ran into this girl who i always see out and i've known for years now. we talked a bunch and i found out she lives really close to me, so we exchanged numbers. i think she's really neat. i'm going to a play on thursday with a friend whom i've been hanging out more with recently. i really think a friend of mine whom i haven't seen in forever but i saw this weekend is really cute and fun, i want to hang out with her more. i haven't quite figured out how to be romantic kawai with all this soberness thing going on. i'm really trying to figure it out and get that working in my brain but it's just not something i'm used to. a while ago, mikee, anja, and i did some figuring, and i really can't remember the last time i had a first kiss sober, or first sex sober for that matter. isn't that scary? i am actually excited to figure out this sober romance thing and have a first kiss without intoxication. who knows?
dinner: i want to go out to dinner with friends on tuesday in the city, but i haven't told anyone this yet. this might not work out.
clothing: i ordered a shirt with the invisible pink unicorn logo last week and it came in. i plan to wear this tomorrow. last week i had a dream about nordstrom rack over and over again. i took it as a sign to go to nordstrom rack the next day, but there was nothing there i wanted. wtf?
dancing: i found a picture on the qool website of me dancing from last year. i also found pictures of mikee too! we totally need to win that car.

movies: i recently downloaded like a dozen movies and need to find time to watch them all. they all look exciting, so maybe i'll try to plan to watch one a night and go to bed a little later than usual.
TV: when is the mid-season hiatus going to be over! i'm enjoying grey's anatomy. i love the office. i want heroes, lost and everything else to come back already.
Video games: i just got a wii. i desperately need more controllers and then to have a wii party at my house. zelda is fun but i really wish the wii had better graphics. i guess i'm spoiled with the 360. also the wii channels aren't that exciting, and the wii virtual console is a bore. the 360 does have a year advantage, but xbox live, arcade, and marketplace is a world better. i still have no interest in a ps3. my ds lite is being sent back to fix the hinge crack problem. it really isn't a problem at all, but i might as well get it fixed if i can.
phones: the iphone looks like fun. i really really don't want to switch to cingular. i'm really broke. the end.
tattoos: i got tattooed for 4 hours on saturday. it was a pain in the back. it was also freezing in oakland and i was topless in the shop the whole time. oh while getting tattooed i ran into a high school friend that i had no idea lived in my area. she turned out to be a cute lesbian and lives down the street from me, so i think we're going to hang out sometime. anyway, getting tattooed again in a few weeks. i have no money.
social life: it's not going so bad. i'm still not drinking, it's a bit boring but i'm working with it. i went out friday with a friend and we had dinner then met up with her friends after. i felt a little out of place and a drink would have helped, but i dealt with it and i had a good time. i didn't leave my house saturday night...too cold. sunday i had brunch with friends i haven't seen in forever and good times were had. stayed home sunday night again cause i was cold.
work: work is going to be crazy for the next 2 weeks while i desperately try to finish my current movie. i'm still bummed with the gayvn but i've been upset with the whole process for years now. i can deal.
exercising: i went to the gym 3 times last week. i was going to do more but failed. i failed on saturday cause i didn't get to bed til like 3 or 4. i failed on sunday cause my back was sore from tattoos. this week i should do better i hope.
romance: i really think this girl who works at the trader joe's by my work is really cute. she might like girls though and anyway i really have no idea how to talk to someone while they're at work. so this is probably going to go nowhere. on friday i ran into this girl who i always see out and i've known for years now. we talked a bunch and i found out she lives really close to me, so we exchanged numbers. i think she's really neat. i'm going to a play on thursday with a friend whom i've been hanging out more with recently. i really think a friend of mine whom i haven't seen in forever but i saw this weekend is really cute and fun, i want to hang out with her more. i haven't quite figured out how to be romantic kawai with all this soberness thing going on. i'm really trying to figure it out and get that working in my brain but it's just not something i'm used to. a while ago, mikee, anja, and i did some figuring, and i really can't remember the last time i had a first kiss sober, or first sex sober for that matter. isn't that scary? i am actually excited to figure out this sober romance thing and have a first kiss without intoxication. who knows?
dinner: i want to go out to dinner with friends on tuesday in the city, but i haven't told anyone this yet. this might not work out.
clothing: i ordered a shirt with the invisible pink unicorn logo last week and it came in. i plan to wear this tomorrow. last week i had a dream about nordstrom rack over and over again. i took it as a sign to go to nordstrom rack the next day, but there was nothing there i wanted. wtf?
dancing: i found a picture on the qool website of me dancing from last year. i also found pictures of mikee too! we totally need to win that car.

sadly i was actually drinking pretty decent wine. no space bag crap for me. i think i have learned my lesson and will be limiting the grape to two glasses per sitting.