Give me a break
From your take and your take
Come on andgive me a break
What do you want from me
Feeding the rich
With that song of a bitch
Well that song ofa bitch
He looks just like me
Thanks for nothing
Absolutely nothing
Thanks for all your bullshit too
Thanks for nothing
Positively nothing
Thanks for everything you didn't do
Something for free
You got something from me
You wantsomething for free
What do you want from me
Give me a break from your take and your take
Come on and give me a break
What do you want from me
Yea, yea, yea
Yea, yea, yea

Just go
Die mother fucker die mother fucker die
I don't need your prison
I don't need your pain
I don't need your decision
So what should I do
I don't need your approval
I don't need your hope
I don't need your lectures
I don't need a thing from you
I'll be sorry when I'm old
You're so full of shit man
Just go
Die mother fucker die mother fucker die
I don't need your forgiveness
I don't need your hate
I don't need your acceptance
So what should I do
I'll be sorry so you've said
I'm not sorry
Bang You're Dead
.... self explanitory
Less drinking for you.