I can't wait to get to Chicago, it will be a very welcome fresh start. I'm finally done with school until next fall and thats pretty good. This song has been on pretty heavy rotation for me...
She wants it and that's fine
So it was and so it will always be
She wants it and that's the custom
Whatever she wants she gets
Deep wells must be dug
if you want clear water
Rose-red, oh Rose-red
Deep waters don't run still
At his boots, a stone breaks
Doesn't want to be on the cliff anymore
And a scream lets everyone know
Both are falling to the ground
-Rammstein - Rosenrot
I do not mean to sound whiny but I really could use someone to cuddle up with for a night... it would be nice... I have been laid off for a month or so now and my boss just called me yesterday saying he needs some help so finally I can go into work and make some MUCH needed money. I really need to suck it up and go do some winter mountain biking it kept my head a little more sane and I could use a little more of that. I started mixing again which is nice I missed doing that like I said in a previous post SerialKitten and Mercie really inspired me to start again. I'm excited to go see the new AVP movie and I really hope that it won't suck because it will leave me very disappointed. I have realized I need to find someone to go tagging with because its not as much fun going by yourself. I have been working on some new designs so I can't wait to see what they will look like thrown down somewhere. I really want to go on a little road trip adventure this weekend but due to lack of funding and rising bills that is not going to happen. On the upside I can't wait for the road trip I have coming up in January to go see SerialKitten . Once I get settled in to Chicago I'm most likely gonna get my first tat done and I can't wait for that.
I want to get this one on the inside of my upper left forearm
I want to get this one on the inside of my upper right forearm
Well thats about all I can think of right now
much love