i suppose i could update you a tidbit.
a. got married on june 21st. it was a good time, i got trashed and kept pouring drinks down my dress saying "it doesn't get wet, it just rolls off!" what a tard. my dress was soaked by the end of the night. s-o-a-k-e-d. and the zipper on the back split. oh well, i got what i wanted out of it.
here's a pic for ya:
b. had a fucking superb summer for shooting weddings. i shot 14 from april to october. 8 in sept/oct alone!
c. have been working since the end of may as a legal assistant for a super bipolar lawyer who i hate, for the most part, but sometimes i guess he's bearable. it often feels as though i've sold my soul when i submit to his decrepit sense of reality. i hate myself. but, i haven't kept a job this long since 2005! huzzah for that.
d. have discovered the joy of anal sex. very recently.
e. i just found out today that i won the case where i sued my apartment complex for not maintaining the bridge that got busted and knocked me into muddy water and fucked my camera and lens up. if you don't recall, go back several entries, i cried a lot about my poor D300. well, i won it by 55% - so i sued for almost $800 and got $500-something. woot.
f. i have a Pandora bracelet and i'm obsessed with filling it up with cool ass beads.
g. i haven't been taking many pictures lately. it's driving me batty. i need a decent lens. and then i need to use it. i fucking hate my tamron 17-50 f2.8, not impressed at all.
h. i have read nearly 50 books since August. no joke. here's a summary: twilight saga (4 1/2 books), sookie stackhouse series (8 books), anita blake series (16 books), gemma doyle trilogy, revolutionary road, graceling, hunger games, the host, outlander (FUCKING AWESOME), the city of ember series (4 books), nights in rodanthe, drowning ruth, among a few others. i'd say i'm fairly obsessed with reading these days.
i. i am trying to learn how to snowboard. it's fucking goddamn hard! i have been skiing since i was probably 5 (grew up in Lincoln, NH, where Loon Mountain is) and learning something new is really challenging. they are very, very different.
j. i flew to florida last monday in hopes of making it to zephyrhills in time to see my nana before she died. the ticket was purchased on monday at 2pm and the flight was on monday at 6:10pm. crucial. she is still alive, but the reason why the trip was so rash was because she had just survived a heart attack and prospects weren't good. she went from living at home (with my aunt and uncle), to a nursing home (which she hated), to the hospital (hated even more), back to the same nursing home, and now she's in a hospice home. the nursing home broke her 4 smaller toes and no one is owning up to it or even acknowledging that it happened there. they also lost one of her $2500 hearing aids. SUPER! glad she's out of that place, they suck. but hospice isn't much better, it's got that aura of "fuck... this is it" and i think i've got a mental block on it. i had a really hard time leaving florida on thursday evening. but on a better note, practically my whole family was there at one point. on wednesday night, there were ten of us in my aunt's double-wide. the reason for it sucked, but it was one of those rare times when we're all together.
k. then at approximately 11:30 on thursday night, driving home from the airport, nate let me drive because i hadn't driven in several days and i love driving my truck. he warned me to slow down because we were coming up to a stop sign and there was a car in front of us. oh, i forgot to tell you, it was snowing like fuck and the roads were in awful shape (i rock at driving in winter and generally think it's fun, so for me to say that the roads were bad is pretty noteable). so i tapped the brakes and immediately we flew across the road diagonally, truck spun around and we were stopped by the snowbank on the other side of the road, facing the opposite direction that we had originally been driving. super fun! it took the AAA truck about 15 minutes to get my truck out. so fucked up. that was a hard fucking day, i think i cried myself to sleep that night. i felt broken.
l. i am better now. nana is still alive and actually improving due to her happiness in the hospice home.
m. i'd say all in all, life is not so good these days. money is low, nana is dying, i'm gaining weight, haven't booked any weddings yet for 2009.
n. but i am so not the pessimist. there are too many good things to outweigh the above complaints. my relationship with my husband seems to grow stronger and more intimate every day. he is amazing. we rule. paper heart covers rock.
a. got married on june 21st. it was a good time, i got trashed and kept pouring drinks down my dress saying "it doesn't get wet, it just rolls off!" what a tard. my dress was soaked by the end of the night. s-o-a-k-e-d. and the zipper on the back split. oh well, i got what i wanted out of it.
here's a pic for ya:

b. had a fucking superb summer for shooting weddings. i shot 14 from april to october. 8 in sept/oct alone!
c. have been working since the end of may as a legal assistant for a super bipolar lawyer who i hate, for the most part, but sometimes i guess he's bearable. it often feels as though i've sold my soul when i submit to his decrepit sense of reality. i hate myself. but, i haven't kept a job this long since 2005! huzzah for that.
d. have discovered the joy of anal sex. very recently.
e. i just found out today that i won the case where i sued my apartment complex for not maintaining the bridge that got busted and knocked me into muddy water and fucked my camera and lens up. if you don't recall, go back several entries, i cried a lot about my poor D300. well, i won it by 55% - so i sued for almost $800 and got $500-something. woot.
f. i have a Pandora bracelet and i'm obsessed with filling it up with cool ass beads.
g. i haven't been taking many pictures lately. it's driving me batty. i need a decent lens. and then i need to use it. i fucking hate my tamron 17-50 f2.8, not impressed at all.
h. i have read nearly 50 books since August. no joke. here's a summary: twilight saga (4 1/2 books), sookie stackhouse series (8 books), anita blake series (16 books), gemma doyle trilogy, revolutionary road, graceling, hunger games, the host, outlander (FUCKING AWESOME), the city of ember series (4 books), nights in rodanthe, drowning ruth, among a few others. i'd say i'm fairly obsessed with reading these days.
i. i am trying to learn how to snowboard. it's fucking goddamn hard! i have been skiing since i was probably 5 (grew up in Lincoln, NH, where Loon Mountain is) and learning something new is really challenging. they are very, very different.
j. i flew to florida last monday in hopes of making it to zephyrhills in time to see my nana before she died. the ticket was purchased on monday at 2pm and the flight was on monday at 6:10pm. crucial. she is still alive, but the reason why the trip was so rash was because she had just survived a heart attack and prospects weren't good. she went from living at home (with my aunt and uncle), to a nursing home (which she hated), to the hospital (hated even more), back to the same nursing home, and now she's in a hospice home. the nursing home broke her 4 smaller toes and no one is owning up to it or even acknowledging that it happened there. they also lost one of her $2500 hearing aids. SUPER! glad she's out of that place, they suck. but hospice isn't much better, it's got that aura of "fuck... this is it" and i think i've got a mental block on it. i had a really hard time leaving florida on thursday evening. but on a better note, practically my whole family was there at one point. on wednesday night, there were ten of us in my aunt's double-wide. the reason for it sucked, but it was one of those rare times when we're all together.
k. then at approximately 11:30 on thursday night, driving home from the airport, nate let me drive because i hadn't driven in several days and i love driving my truck. he warned me to slow down because we were coming up to a stop sign and there was a car in front of us. oh, i forgot to tell you, it was snowing like fuck and the roads were in awful shape (i rock at driving in winter and generally think it's fun, so for me to say that the roads were bad is pretty noteable). so i tapped the brakes and immediately we flew across the road diagonally, truck spun around and we were stopped by the snowbank on the other side of the road, facing the opposite direction that we had originally been driving. super fun! it took the AAA truck about 15 minutes to get my truck out. so fucked up. that was a hard fucking day, i think i cried myself to sleep that night. i felt broken.
l. i am better now. nana is still alive and actually improving due to her happiness in the hospice home.
m. i'd say all in all, life is not so good these days. money is low, nana is dying, i'm gaining weight, haven't booked any weddings yet for 2009.
n. but i am so not the pessimist. there are too many good things to outweigh the above complaints. my relationship with my husband seems to grow stronger and more intimate every day. he is amazing. we rule. paper heart covers rock.
I've always been kickin' it Old Skool... 

Hey honey! THanks for stopping by
Missed ya! Congrats on your wedding, sounds like it was a blast! Ahh a ploy by the SG uppers eh? Oh well, it's a good ploy. Don't know if I'll be paying for longer though, this site is still as slow as ever. I mean c'mon people, invest in some more servers!