1. nate and i are planning a trip to NC and FL! 

i can't fucking wait!
2. i have a beautiful new camera but have no peoples to photograph lately
3. wedding photography ops are just coming out of the woodwork
4. do the spoilers make it more interesting or just more annoying?
i always find journal entries more appealing when there's secret stuff hidden behind spoilers.
like...who sees a spoiler and doesn't pop it open?
5. Do you like riddles?
6. i suppose i'll leave you with a photo, not sure if i've shared it yet
i took this on oct. 13th at my friend peter's wedding
do you like it? do you not get why i like it? do tell!
i also agree with you re: volkswagens. i had an '02 GTI and had nothing but problems. upgraded to an audi in '05, and no issues at all!
re: the riddle: a towel?