gah! i can't stop eeeeeating. i am so bored lately and the food just won't stop entering my mouth.
i suck.
i've lost 5 pounds though, since november 15th when i joined the gym. i fucking love it there.
my routine lately has been treadmill (walk/jog combo), stationary bike, elliptical, and arc trainer.
in an average night, which is an hour's workout, i can burn about 600 calories! booyeah.
and i'm also swimming for toning, concentrating mostly on my chunky arms.
i can definitely feel it when i'm done. sorry if i'm boring you.
i feel lost. school is done, i am graduated. and school has always made me feel validated.
now i have to find a "real" job that i may or may not like, and i'm terrified.
i haven't really liked a job since i got paid to make origami and decorate the office mantle for each holiday.
ah those were the days... i miss my old job
but anyway, liking a job is really important to me, because it makes me own the work i do.
if i'm not enjoying myself, i don't try to fake it. if i don't like a job, i don't stay there long.
i am not good at sticking it out. world, meet nicolle the quitter...
so lame i am. oy vey.
on the positive side, which i should start looking to, i have started reading again.
i am the kind of person who reads a shitload of books in a couple months run,
then stops reading for about the same amount of time. i wish i could read constantly.
but such is my downfall, for i lose interest too quickly. i have the strangest attention span ever.
i am not sure why i'm writing this, i think only groove and maybe frost will read this...
but i felt the compulsion, so i did it.
i suck.
i've lost 5 pounds though, since november 15th when i joined the gym. i fucking love it there.
my routine lately has been treadmill (walk/jog combo), stationary bike, elliptical, and arc trainer.
in an average night, which is an hour's workout, i can burn about 600 calories! booyeah.
and i'm also swimming for toning, concentrating mostly on my chunky arms.
i can definitely feel it when i'm done. sorry if i'm boring you.
i feel lost. school is done, i am graduated. and school has always made me feel validated.
now i have to find a "real" job that i may or may not like, and i'm terrified.
i haven't really liked a job since i got paid to make origami and decorate the office mantle for each holiday.
ah those were the days... i miss my old job

but anyway, liking a job is really important to me, because it makes me own the work i do.
if i'm not enjoying myself, i don't try to fake it. if i don't like a job, i don't stay there long.
i am not good at sticking it out. world, meet nicolle the quitter...
so lame i am. oy vey.
on the positive side, which i should start looking to, i have started reading again.
i am the kind of person who reads a shitload of books in a couple months run,
then stops reading for about the same amount of time. i wish i could read constantly.
but such is my downfall, for i lose interest too quickly. i have the strangest attention span ever.
i am not sure why i'm writing this, i think only groove and maybe frost will read this...
but i felt the compulsion, so i did it.

she lives here...
can you make one out of it??