since when do we call it "dads and grads?" i'm 21 and i haven't heard that before...
i am in love with al gore for everything he has been doing lately. i hope he runs again.
and i hope he wins again
if you don't go see/rent the movie, at least read the book!
i read through most of it just sitting at b&n the other day.
currently working on a take-home final and also a presentation, both for the same class (environmental science). go figure, the one gen-ed class i have to take at this school is giving me the most amount of work outside of class. it's ok though, my eyes have been opened so much by this class, i appreciate it so much.
i am excited to own my own home and hopefully make it a green one.
in color and in efficiency.
did you know that only 6% of the energy that we use in this country comes from renewable resources?
fucking desgusting. only 6%.
and the city in which i habitate contains a super-fund site. it's a landfill that was closed in the 70s, yet the toxins are presently getting scarily closer to the drinking water supply. it's so bad that they don't know how to clean it up and they are totally friggin clueless. gotta be ready to get the fuck out of dodge when we catch wind of the contamination!
one of my best friends got engaged 2 nights ago. i don't get it.
i have one project left for my On Location class, and it's a "picture story." i have NO fucking clue what to do. it's stressing me out so bad. at least i have until thursday to hand it in...
financial aid info is pretty much all set. my fingers are crossed. but i'm sure something will get fucked up - it always does!
damnit this is going to be too long, no one will read it. whatev...
i am in love with al gore for everything he has been doing lately. i hope he runs again.
and i hope he wins again
if you don't go see/rent the movie, at least read the book!
i read through most of it just sitting at b&n the other day.
currently working on a take-home final and also a presentation, both for the same class (environmental science). go figure, the one gen-ed class i have to take at this school is giving me the most amount of work outside of class. it's ok though, my eyes have been opened so much by this class, i appreciate it so much.
i am excited to own my own home and hopefully make it a green one.
in color and in efficiency.
did you know that only 6% of the energy that we use in this country comes from renewable resources?
fucking desgusting. only 6%.
and the city in which i habitate contains a super-fund site. it's a landfill that was closed in the 70s, yet the toxins are presently getting scarily closer to the drinking water supply. it's so bad that they don't know how to clean it up and they are totally friggin clueless. gotta be ready to get the fuck out of dodge when we catch wind of the contamination!
one of my best friends got engaged 2 nights ago. i don't get it.
i have one project left for my On Location class, and it's a "picture story." i have NO fucking clue what to do. it's stressing me out so bad. at least i have until thursday to hand it in...
financial aid info is pretty much all set. my fingers are crossed. but i'm sure something will get fucked up - it always does!
damnit this is going to be too long, no one will read it. whatev...