-My first post-
I'm not one for self-promotion, so I'll just skip right to the meat of what I'm here for. I am a photographer by passion, a writer by trade and a lover of the human condition. I have decided to live the life of an artist and have accepted all that comes with it. At times I want to pull my hair out at how difficult the creative process is, but I could never live without it. For me, art is salvation.
I will probably use this journal to express my more focused views on life and the profession of being human. I doubt that I will ramble much here because I do plenty of that over at DeviantArt. I use DA to host some of my more personal writing and have come to love it for that purpose.
As for why I am here, as I mentioned, my true passion is photography. Lately, I have focused a great deal of energy on it and will hopefully be helping two lovely young ladies enter the SG family. My hope is that this will become a more functional outlet for me and I intend to exhaust myself to that end.
Until the photosets are complete, I'll post some of the more irritating and perplexing qualities about my life. My first offering is something that has been causing much internal discomfort for me lately. Hopefully I'm not alone on this one...
I got into a huge argument with a girl that is demanding way too much from me and has all but used the "L word" to describe how she feels about me. Why people confuse sex with love is beyond me...
Here's how I view Love:
Love is a function, not a process. People confuse love every day with something that it is not. We as humans fall in and out of love for many reasons, and rarely do we understand why until long after it has ended. I believe that we fall in love because the object of said love serves a purpose. They provide something that we need at the time and for whatever reason, it tends to work for both involved. However, when we fall out of love, we seem to think that it is something that is tragic when in fact it is not.
When we fall out of love, it is nothing more than us having learned all that we need to know from the object of the love. We learn, we move on, we fall back into love with another. I dont feel that we should ever treat love as anything more than a basic function of the human condition. Which is not to say that it doesnt hurt when we fall out of love, because often times it does. We dont always fall out of love at the same time. Sometimes there is something more that one wants to learn, but the other is already done with the arrangement. We love, we learn, we move on. Simple, functional and altogether necessary.
This opinion seems like herecy to her and she cannot relate to it. Which leaves me annoyed that a good friend has decided to alter what we have together forever and I am forced to dismiss yet another woman I have grown to like a great deal.
Why must people make life more difficult than it needs to be?
I'm not one for self-promotion, so I'll just skip right to the meat of what I'm here for. I am a photographer by passion, a writer by trade and a lover of the human condition. I have decided to live the life of an artist and have accepted all that comes with it. At times I want to pull my hair out at how difficult the creative process is, but I could never live without it. For me, art is salvation.
I will probably use this journal to express my more focused views on life and the profession of being human. I doubt that I will ramble much here because I do plenty of that over at DeviantArt. I use DA to host some of my more personal writing and have come to love it for that purpose.
As for why I am here, as I mentioned, my true passion is photography. Lately, I have focused a great deal of energy on it and will hopefully be helping two lovely young ladies enter the SG family. My hope is that this will become a more functional outlet for me and I intend to exhaust myself to that end.
Until the photosets are complete, I'll post some of the more irritating and perplexing qualities about my life. My first offering is something that has been causing much internal discomfort for me lately. Hopefully I'm not alone on this one...
I got into a huge argument with a girl that is demanding way too much from me and has all but used the "L word" to describe how she feels about me. Why people confuse sex with love is beyond me...
Here's how I view Love:
Love is a function, not a process. People confuse love every day with something that it is not. We as humans fall in and out of love for many reasons, and rarely do we understand why until long after it has ended. I believe that we fall in love because the object of said love serves a purpose. They provide something that we need at the time and for whatever reason, it tends to work for both involved. However, when we fall out of love, we seem to think that it is something that is tragic when in fact it is not.
When we fall out of love, it is nothing more than us having learned all that we need to know from the object of the love. We learn, we move on, we fall back into love with another. I dont feel that we should ever treat love as anything more than a basic function of the human condition. Which is not to say that it doesnt hurt when we fall out of love, because often times it does. We dont always fall out of love at the same time. Sometimes there is something more that one wants to learn, but the other is already done with the arrangement. We love, we learn, we move on. Simple, functional and altogether necessary.
This opinion seems like herecy to her and she cannot relate to it. Which leaves me annoyed that a good friend has decided to alter what we have together forever and I am forced to dismiss yet another woman I have grown to like a great deal.
Why must people make life more difficult than it needs to be?
usually peoples selfishness and insecurities hender their relationships with others........lg