Alright... so more tales from the vet's office....
Blah. Cars + animals do not mix. On my way to work today I in WHITNESSED... a dog get hit HARD by a sedan. He went flying over the hood of the car and onto the ground in front of mine. I slammed on the breaks and put my emergency flashers on. (I was in a center turn no danger of getting hit) The sedan sped off... I leapt out of the car and ran over to the dog. My initial thought was to get the dog to the clinic (I was on my way there anyway) and see if it was okay... try and find its owners and if it was dying, pay for him to be put to sleep. Well I got up to him and saw that he was bleeding from the mouth, which is absolutely always bad, and this was A LOT of blood. So I spoke to him (sometimes startled/injured dogs will bite out of fear and confusion) and tried to calm him down. He whimpered once or twice... I took his pulse and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. His blood pressure was so low I couldn't get a good pulse.
He breathed once very hard, coughed, and sighed. He breathed his last right there in front of me as I was pulling a towel out of my trunk and wondering how I'd get him in my car....
It was a little black lab.. juvenile, with a collar, but no tag or phone number-but really beautiful and from the looks of it, extremely well cared for. I knew someone had to be looking for him. So I lifted him up and put him on the side of the road... just in case his mom & dad happened to pass by and wonder what happened to him. As soon as I picked him up (I lifted him by all four legs) I realized his neck was broken. His head bent at a 180 angle back to face the road and I could tell it was really bad... I know what broken necks look like- but it was bad. Oh man was it a sad morning.
Then someone brought a cat in who had been hit by a car.. just to be put to sleep. I felt bad because the cat probably could have been helped if it had been taken to the Emergency Animal Clinic, rather than us, but by the time it got to us it was in so much pain it was hard to watch and everyone was happy to relieve the suffering..
Tough day!
I have a picture of the clinic kitty (the cat that lives there) ... her name's Grey-how original haha

Blah. Cars + animals do not mix. On my way to work today I in WHITNESSED... a dog get hit HARD by a sedan. He went flying over the hood of the car and onto the ground in front of mine. I slammed on the breaks and put my emergency flashers on. (I was in a center turn no danger of getting hit) The sedan sped off... I leapt out of the car and ran over to the dog. My initial thought was to get the dog to the clinic (I was on my way there anyway) and see if it was okay... try and find its owners and if it was dying, pay for him to be put to sleep. Well I got up to him and saw that he was bleeding from the mouth, which is absolutely always bad, and this was A LOT of blood. So I spoke to him (sometimes startled/injured dogs will bite out of fear and confusion) and tried to calm him down. He whimpered once or twice... I took his pulse and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. His blood pressure was so low I couldn't get a good pulse.

Then someone brought a cat in who had been hit by a car.. just to be put to sleep. I felt bad because the cat probably could have been helped if it had been taken to the Emergency Animal Clinic, rather than us, but by the time it got to us it was in so much pain it was hard to watch and everyone was happy to relieve the suffering..

I have a picture of the clinic kitty (the cat that lives there) ... her name's Grey-how original haha

god, that's rough. i don't think i could handle your job.
I'm really sorry, that's horrible.