Sooooooooooo if you haven't seen my site yet, you should definitely gooooo!
On another, more serious note...
I'm thinking of transferring to Oklahoma State, Utah State, or Iowa State because Texas A & M is pissing me off... I lost what I thought was a 4 year scholarship yesterday... turns out I was given the scholarship under false pretenses... The professor that helped me get it decided I'm not worth the effort anymore... and thus-blew me off... so NOW its going to cost my parents an extra 10K to send me to a place I hate.... It's not that I really HATE College Station... I just don't like a lot of things about it-its kind of like living in "It's a Small World" at Disney... everyone's really happy 24/7 and they are SO excited to be Aggies! They LOVE this school... some of them enough to do crazy shit to be recognized by the university-.... A big issue I have is that MOST of them dont WORK.. I dont get it.... Its like the motivation is there, but the work ethic is not... Anyway... I'm also upset b/c Jon, the love of my life, is moving to North fucking Dakota for law school... Can anyone say end of the fucking universe? There's nothing up there, or I'd me transferring there in a heartbeat-its like saying you're going to the Arctic! SOoooooo I'm terrified that when he leaves I'm going to be stuck here and hate it even MORE because I don't have Jon to make fun of all the retarded Aggies ... so yeah... bad day... bleh
On another, more serious note...
I'm thinking of transferring to Oklahoma State, Utah State, or Iowa State because Texas A & M is pissing me off... I lost what I thought was a 4 year scholarship yesterday... turns out I was given the scholarship under false pretenses... The professor that helped me get it decided I'm not worth the effort anymore... and thus-blew me off... so NOW its going to cost my parents an extra 10K to send me to a place I hate.... It's not that I really HATE College Station... I just don't like a lot of things about it-its kind of like living in "It's a Small World" at Disney... everyone's really happy 24/7 and they are SO excited to be Aggies! They LOVE this school... some of them enough to do crazy shit to be recognized by the university-.... A big issue I have is that MOST of them dont WORK.. I dont get it.... Its like the motivation is there, but the work ethic is not... Anyway... I'm also upset b/c Jon, the love of my life, is moving to North fucking Dakota for law school... Can anyone say end of the fucking universe? There's nothing up there, or I'd me transferring there in a heartbeat-its like saying you're going to the Arctic! SOoooooo I'm terrified that when he leaves I'm going to be stuck here and hate it even MORE because I don't have Jon to make fun of all the retarded Aggies ... so yeah... bad day... bleh

Good luck with whatever you choose and kick that prof in the junk! I'd be demanding an explanation and a chance to prove myself considering the investment by you and your family.