ATTN: ALL CAT/DOG OWNERS food recall info There is a HUGE pet food recall in effect... You NEED to pay attention to your pets this week-make sure they aren't showing any signs of getting sick-because the food problem causes kidney failure and/or death!!!!! Also- just found out today that sugar free foods/candies/gums can and will kill dogs if they ingest them... even faster than chocolate! (which doesn't always hurt anyway)...
SOoOoOoOoo I went to AZ for spring break, and yes... I fucking drove there, and back.. grrrr. Yes it sucked... I drove 2200 miles in less than 10 days. I ended up having a blast though... my mom finally sold the house so she and my dad were spoiling Jonathan and I with all kinds of luxuries... :-) We got to go out and eat a lot (we're poor college kids, that's a luxury) and my parents bought Jon some rollerblades-- he'd never been on rollerblades before. He's such a good sport though.. When my dad herded us up this mountain on a hike one morning (which was hell) Jon was completely chipper and all smiles-meanwhile my mom and I were off in a bush trying not to vomit.
(Dad practically ran us up this mountain-and I didn't have my inhaler... so I was suffering on this dusty trail surrounded by wildflowers... *achoo*)
Anyway...the week went well, and as it turns out I'll be spending my summer in Scottsdale as a veterinary intern (YAY!) so it was good that I got to see my way around a bit... Plus-since they sold the house, my parents have a vacant (really nice) apartment in Scottsdale.. (also known as Snottsdale) so my dad offered me the apartment for the summer... :-D Top that off with me getting my Norman kitty back :-D (my aunt is sending him to me...where he will live for the rest of his days.
Lets talk about irritating shit...
I make 4 drives over 1100 miles each in less than 6 months and not one time do I get pulled over... but on the fucking 3 mile drive to school I get pulled over and given a 260 fucking dollar ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!
C'MON! talk about irony... --- plus i think the cop was targeting me--- he was staring at my Tiffany's jewelry and he asked me if I still lived in Melrose apartments (after he'd written that down as my address) which is NOT where I live-but where I came from (Jon's apartment) .... stupid prick cop... I was speeding.. i've never gotten a ticket... I was going 45 in a 30 because it WASNT POSTED that the speed limit had changed from one road to another... @&(*#&)*(#&)(*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *()#&)*#&)@(*_)(#_(&(&^@%$%^&*(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOoOoOoOoo I went to AZ for spring break, and yes... I fucking drove there, and back.. grrrr. Yes it sucked... I drove 2200 miles in less than 10 days. I ended up having a blast though... my mom finally sold the house so she and my dad were spoiling Jonathan and I with all kinds of luxuries... :-) We got to go out and eat a lot (we're poor college kids, that's a luxury) and my parents bought Jon some rollerblades-- he'd never been on rollerblades before. He's such a good sport though.. When my dad herded us up this mountain on a hike one morning (which was hell) Jon was completely chipper and all smiles-meanwhile my mom and I were off in a bush trying not to vomit.

Anyway...the week went well, and as it turns out I'll be spending my summer in Scottsdale as a veterinary intern (YAY!) so it was good that I got to see my way around a bit... Plus-since they sold the house, my parents have a vacant (really nice) apartment in Scottsdale.. (also known as Snottsdale) so my dad offered me the apartment for the summer... :-D Top that off with me getting my Norman kitty back :-D (my aunt is sending him to me...where he will live for the rest of his days.
Lets talk about irritating shit...
I make 4 drives over 1100 miles each in less than 6 months and not one time do I get pulled over... but on the fucking 3 mile drive to school I get pulled over and given a 260 fucking dollar ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!

o_O ???
the big lebowski