Oh man... this next week of exams are going to suck. I did alright on my first one.. 85... not bad, I have 3 more in the same class so I can bring that up to an A no problem. Monday evening is going to be interesting.. I have to be in class from 4-5:30 then a review from 5-6:30 and another review from 6-8:00... Any advice as to how to be in two places at once?
I have my first "Meats" exam on Wednesday! It is supposed to be really difficult because we have to memorize cuts of meat and what they look like, along with slaughter procedures and stuff.. (not my bag at all...one might even venture to say "ew") That night I also have an exam in Veterinary Pathobiology-Diseases of the World. The exam is mostly over the Plague & smallpox and their various outbreaks, methods of transfer, life cycle, preventative measures, and history... It's an essay exam... which is gay. Thursday I have an exam in Reproduction in Farm Animals (433) which is my "case-study" course. I'm the only freshman who was allowed to register for it... and if I fail they won't let freshmen register for it again... no pressure. haha. Friday I have an exam in Agricultural Economics, and I am actually not as worried about that as I am about Meats and Repro... I never understood Economics in high school, but this guy is really a great professor and I actually grasp the math portion pretty well. As far as quizzes go, in class I have yet to have missed a quiz point. In Repro lab I was the curve breaker for the first quiz-but I'm pretty sure I screwed the second one up. (First one was about reproductive anatomy, second one was about hormones... figures.)
Meats lab is really hard and I had to buy (70$) REALLY SHARP knives and a scabbard. We're going to be "fabricating" or doing the "fab-lab" this week, where we cut up the carcasses of the pigs from last week. Yeah, my lab slaughtered pigs Friday. I'm the pansy-ass non-bacon eating wuss who cried... I fully admit my wussy tendencies...and I think if high school taught a meat class 50% of America would be vegetarians. I'll never forget watching the damn thing wriggle on the chain as it bled to death... **shivers** I don't think I can bring myself to going to the damn lamb slaughter lab or the beef slaughter lab. Cows are too cute, they have big old brown eyes and sweet eyelashes. I don't wanna make the connection between Bessy and my tacos. (I EAT BEEF AND I LIKE IT! I STILL WANNA AFTER THIS SEMESTER!) Plus, lambs remind me of Gus. (My golden retriever...) They have the same fuzzies and they are just as innocent & trusting... especially because they're BABIES. Lambs are ridiculous when you watch them-they play and hop on eachother and bounce off fences and headbutt you... like babies.... I couldn't kill a baby lamb
. The pigs were grody enough...
ANYway... I also got to stick my hand up a cow's ass last week. Yay for artificial insemination. We had to inseminate cows for my repro lab. They did not seem too happy with us. (Not that I blame them.) Cows have to be inseminated rectovaginally, so you put one arm up their bum and insert a tube into their vagina with the other hand guiding the tube. Your bum hand (haha) has to guide the tube through their cervical rings into the uterus... which is where the semen goes. It's pretty sweet-minus the whole arm covered in poo thing....
(and when she clamps down on your arm and won't let go...)
I, of course, documented this for all of my SG buddies...
I have my first "Meats" exam on Wednesday! It is supposed to be really difficult because we have to memorize cuts of meat and what they look like, along with slaughter procedures and stuff.. (not my bag at all...one might even venture to say "ew") That night I also have an exam in Veterinary Pathobiology-Diseases of the World. The exam is mostly over the Plague & smallpox and their various outbreaks, methods of transfer, life cycle, preventative measures, and history... It's an essay exam... which is gay. Thursday I have an exam in Reproduction in Farm Animals (433) which is my "case-study" course. I'm the only freshman who was allowed to register for it... and if I fail they won't let freshmen register for it again... no pressure. haha. Friday I have an exam in Agricultural Economics, and I am actually not as worried about that as I am about Meats and Repro... I never understood Economics in high school, but this guy is really a great professor and I actually grasp the math portion pretty well. As far as quizzes go, in class I have yet to have missed a quiz point. In Repro lab I was the curve breaker for the first quiz-but I'm pretty sure I screwed the second one up. (First one was about reproductive anatomy, second one was about hormones... figures.)
Meats lab is really hard and I had to buy (70$) REALLY SHARP knives and a scabbard. We're going to be "fabricating" or doing the "fab-lab" this week, where we cut up the carcasses of the pigs from last week. Yeah, my lab slaughtered pigs Friday. I'm the pansy-ass non-bacon eating wuss who cried... I fully admit my wussy tendencies...and I think if high school taught a meat class 50% of America would be vegetarians. I'll never forget watching the damn thing wriggle on the chain as it bled to death... **shivers** I don't think I can bring myself to going to the damn lamb slaughter lab or the beef slaughter lab. Cows are too cute, they have big old brown eyes and sweet eyelashes. I don't wanna make the connection between Bessy and my tacos. (I EAT BEEF AND I LIKE IT! I STILL WANNA AFTER THIS SEMESTER!) Plus, lambs remind me of Gus. (My golden retriever...) They have the same fuzzies and they are just as innocent & trusting... especially because they're BABIES. Lambs are ridiculous when you watch them-they play and hop on eachother and bounce off fences and headbutt you... like babies.... I couldn't kill a baby lamb

ANYway... I also got to stick my hand up a cow's ass last week. Yay for artificial insemination. We had to inseminate cows for my repro lab. They did not seem too happy with us. (Not that I blame them.) Cows have to be inseminated rectovaginally, so you put one arm up their bum and insert a tube into their vagina with the other hand guiding the tube. Your bum hand (haha) has to guide the tube through their cervical rings into the uterus... which is where the semen goes. It's pretty sweet-minus the whole arm covered in poo thing....

I, of course, documented this for all of my SG buddies...
One thing I don't understand - why do you need to learn to slaughter animals for pre-vet school? Seems a bit contradictory to the whole "being a vet" thing doesn't it?
You're lovely btw.
Good luck with school!
Although you'd think if the bull "didn't mind" it, they wouldn't have to clamp his head. Assholes.
I think it's fantastic that you're becoming a vet. Very best of luck to you!