OK... Yay for everyone coming out to I-Bar the 15th~! I can't wait to see (or meet) all of you guys~! 
On a more serious note... I wanna beat the ever loving hell out of my boyfriend's room mate. She abuses her cats... and the law won't help us out. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT!? Jon has no car, and I drive him home late every night, and back to campus early every morning... so he's NEVER home.
Here's what she's doing:
1) The apartment smells like shit because she never... and I do mean NEVER empties the litterbox, or even scoops it. With 3 cats, this is a daily must. Jon ends up having to do it just so we can stand being in the apartment and so they don't use corners as a temporary litter box.
2) The cats haven't ever been to the vet-she currently has Bugsy, Candy, and Flash. Bugsy is an intact male who sprays EVERYTHING, Candy is an intact female who has had one litter and is ready to pop with another b/c thats what animals do. Flash is the product of litter one. This scares me, cats need vaccinations for a reason...
3) THEY NEVER HAVE WATER... which makes me fucking livid. I mean, they're not people-they can't get their own GODDAMN WATER! When you purchase an animal, you take on responsibility for that animal and it's welfare and goddamnit an unending supply of fresh water is included in that. ]
4) They never have food unless we buy it... Blair (the psychobitch) occasionally tops off the food WE BUY for the cats, but fuckin forget water or the litterbox.
OK so the problem, besides the obvious ones, is that Jon is leaving the apartment after the 12th and I don't want to worry about those cats until hell freezes over. She doesn't care about them. Also...when Jon told her she needed to take care of them the first time, she got angry. The second time, he told her she needed to because he was sick of doing it, she said "FINE, THEN STOP" ...she has no intention of caring for them. I swear, people like that make me want to grab a heavy object & swing. She's a god damned alien! A cat-hating alien!
More Blair stories...
She comes home the other night telling someone via phone that she's coked out of her mind... GREAT
She came home at 4 am (we had to get up at 5:30) and sits on the couch crying.. I mean SOBBING for an entire hour. Then she goes to bed. Nuts!
I cleaned the whole goddamned apartment because I couldn't take it anymore... that night-she has a fucking party... makes a ton of food... and leaves the dishes there. They're still there... this was a month ago.
She goes out every night... and has time to put up FUCKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS... i'm serious, it looks like Santa's workshop in there... but no time to take care of the 3 cats that rely on her.
NOW WHAT DO I FUCKING DO! I want to steal them & whisk them away to kitty heaven cause thats what they deserve after her treatment of them (i dont mean i wanna kill em, i mean they deserve the best now) ... except that's illegal....
Ok...soooo if I don't want them to end up dead, I guess I could call animal control b/c they are certainly not being cared for and they are certainly a violation of her housing contract... but I don't want there to not be enough evidence to seize them... at the same time if there's a ton of evidence it will get Jon in trouble cause he lives there... BLAH someone... assist?
Oh-here's what i cleaned up!

thats the litterbox area... no wonder they dont use it...

a 2 sq foot pee spot...
they pooped on tissues Blair threw on the floor...
More on the Blair BITCH PROJECT later kids.. any advice would be appreciated

On a more serious note... I wanna beat the ever loving hell out of my boyfriend's room mate. She abuses her cats... and the law won't help us out. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT!? Jon has no car, and I drive him home late every night, and back to campus early every morning... so he's NEVER home.
Here's what she's doing:
1) The apartment smells like shit because she never... and I do mean NEVER empties the litterbox, or even scoops it. With 3 cats, this is a daily must. Jon ends up having to do it just so we can stand being in the apartment and so they don't use corners as a temporary litter box.
2) The cats haven't ever been to the vet-she currently has Bugsy, Candy, and Flash. Bugsy is an intact male who sprays EVERYTHING, Candy is an intact female who has had one litter and is ready to pop with another b/c thats what animals do. Flash is the product of litter one. This scares me, cats need vaccinations for a reason...
3) THEY NEVER HAVE WATER... which makes me fucking livid. I mean, they're not people-they can't get their own GODDAMN WATER! When you purchase an animal, you take on responsibility for that animal and it's welfare and goddamnit an unending supply of fresh water is included in that. ]
4) They never have food unless we buy it... Blair (the psychobitch) occasionally tops off the food WE BUY for the cats, but fuckin forget water or the litterbox.
OK so the problem, besides the obvious ones, is that Jon is leaving the apartment after the 12th and I don't want to worry about those cats until hell freezes over. She doesn't care about them. Also...when Jon told her she needed to take care of them the first time, she got angry. The second time, he told her she needed to because he was sick of doing it, she said "FINE, THEN STOP" ...she has no intention of caring for them. I swear, people like that make me want to grab a heavy object & swing. She's a god damned alien! A cat-hating alien!
More Blair stories...
She comes home the other night telling someone via phone that she's coked out of her mind... GREAT

She came home at 4 am (we had to get up at 5:30) and sits on the couch crying.. I mean SOBBING for an entire hour. Then she goes to bed. Nuts!

I cleaned the whole goddamned apartment because I couldn't take it anymore... that night-she has a fucking party... makes a ton of food... and leaves the dishes there. They're still there... this was a month ago.

She goes out every night... and has time to put up FUCKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS... i'm serious, it looks like Santa's workshop in there... but no time to take care of the 3 cats that rely on her.
NOW WHAT DO I FUCKING DO! I want to steal them & whisk them away to kitty heaven cause thats what they deserve after her treatment of them (i dont mean i wanna kill em, i mean they deserve the best now) ... except that's illegal....

Oh-here's what i cleaned up!

thats the litterbox area... no wonder they dont use it...

More on the Blair BITCH PROJECT later kids.. any advice would be appreciated

Yeah, definately call animal control, the humane society, anybody. That's just rediculous. Poor kitties. 

that is fucking gross...fucking!