Hey beautiful! I miss you too. Lots. I'm sorry life is frustrating right now. I think you're doing good though, just wish I could make it easier for you. At least you have Bells to snuggie with. And as soon as she gets big enough, you guys have to come visit. I think you would love this place. It's right up your alley, hehe
So... My baby girl was born on March 29th. I did end up having a c-section. Funny thing.... My water actually broke the 27th (my sisters b-day) I went into the hospital and they ran tests, but the nurse was an idiot and sent me home. So the rest of that night and all the next day I was in some INCREDIBLE pain. Finally that... Read More
Hey hey.... look it's ME! I've been away but now I'm back! I just have to say... that I forgot my password.... stupid I know, but SHIT it's nice to see this site again. I thought I would never remember it. Finally it came to me right when I got in bed after spending hours of trying to get in my email and SG.
Oh... Read More
Okay.. so hopefully this month we find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Yay. I have a bad kidney infection.... I'm taking the antibiotics they gave me, but if the infection doesnt go away I need to have surgery. My kidneys could fail yadda yadda.... So... I might need someones kidney. Send it to me fed ex.
I'm moving again...... AGAIN fuck....... Read More
I got the net back on at home finally after many phone calls to the dipshit company that keeps fucking my account. *shakes fist* bastards
We got the new pup. he is the cutest little thing in the world. His name is Sprockett. Guess where its from?
I still miss my baby Tank though...... the fuckers that took him want 1,000$ bucks... Read More
Cyberiouse and I are not together anymore. As of late.... I got married on 7/11 and on the 23rd found out that I am having a baby. My husband and I haved moved into our house and are expecting our new pit puppy TOMORROW. I finally bought a car...... still cant drive though. Wont be able to drive untill a while after birth in March.... Read More
Wow..... I haven't said much of anything on here lately. Not much to say I guess. I'm still recovering from surgery. I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for shopping..........................
hey i got your comment. Yeah it was alright out there that night at the Spot. I drank a lot. Well, I'm gonna be back in town around the 20th before i move to chicago around may. Hopefully ill meet up with some of you all when i get back there.