So.... another weird night... everyone in the world wanted to buy me a drink for some reason. Saw Wednesday13 and some other band and now there's a photo floating around of me hugging the drummer. omg it was a drunken night... again.

And now i've had my breakfast (pot noodle) and i feel dead!


ARRR!!! Arrrrr!
omg.... i'm on the verge of something great i think.... well if you could see whats happening around me at this precise moment i think...errm..... oh the world is a weird place today lol
You know those times in life when you feel you should feel more than you do, the times in your life when you think that if someone close to you died or went away it woudn't phase you? Times when you feel detatched from all emotion?

Hmm nice night last night, was good to see everyone smile

I'm normal, i like being me

ARRR!!! Arrrr

ps. What...
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Welcome to my world, isn't it a pretty colour.

everything's blue
everything's blue in this world
the deepest shade of mushroom blue
all fuzzy
spilling out of my head
oh.... my ... god ...

i repeat

oh ... my ... god ...

ARRR!!! Arrr
Am i the luckiest guy in the world?

After the sandwich incident (a subject i will not discuss in such depth here) I thought that was my lucky moment for the year but...

Tuesday daytime... picture the scene, i'm standing in the ladies section of Cult Clothing in Birmingham and a rather stunning lady walks up to me puts her hand on my arm and...
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how long since i've written a song... blimey... i lik eit... hope the band pick it up, if they do i'll post the whole thing...

"do the endless, beleivers
in a faith only sworn to new loves child
blame the restless, and the blameless
for travelling fifty hopeful miles

on an evening, for beleiving
that all loves pure and pure love grows
in the hopeful......
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Fuckin' A Man
Well ... when then world comes back to bite you in the ass ... looks like even the internet world isn't concequence free anymore. Did you know these people actually exist in real life?


Am i the only person who pats down take-away pizza with kitchen towel? What have i become?

ARRR!!! Arrr

kinda pointless considering the food your eating | Dan
you have not seen how greasy this pizza is in the mornings... ererrrrch ... it's swimming
So the Birmingham show.... could it have gone any better for a debut? I think pepole's reactions were the key thing. Some people couldn't stop talking some people were speechless (Muller) and other just seemed to be in a deep state of shock. Still the weirdest thing was signing autographs (which i've NEVER ever done in my life before, even to freiends and family). That...
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Right... the show is officially tomorrow... surreal how rare. Not nervous, not even woried about my voice, just can't wait. I know it's going to be fantastic and I know we always pull it out of the bag when we have to. I mean just look at the recording session... we were all worried about different aspects of it but when we got in there we...
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