Well what can i see since i've last spoken to you... hmm i've begun to accept that i'll never know some of the things that go on in this world and in some cases it's probably a good idea i never realise the full extent of whats heppened.
who gives a toss really?
I've resigned myself to onew simple fact... I love my life! i love being me! lol Played a great show in Coventry on thursday night then came to Birmingham to go to Edwards No8. Had the most fantastic night, was just full of drinking, many many whisky's and (and this is fantastic) two girls getting pissed at me cos i wouldn't take both of them home. How cool is that lol.
Friday night was unexpectly spent in close company. I was really looking forward to a night out with the lads so when it all went tits up i was understandably gutted. As planned went to the Carling Academy and got absolutely shitfaced (again lol)
Sat night.... now get this for brilliant! Went to Subculture at the Academy... it gets to about 2... by which time i've already been harrassed by the afforementioned girls from thursday night (are you keeping up?). Right, so it's around 2 when they ask for volounteers from the crowd. I grab a friend's friend and head for the stage at which point i get dragged into the backstage dressing room and the DJ tells us the plan for the night.
So it's now around 2:20 i've spent a good deal of time backstage, i'm standing in the wings topless waiting to go on stage and have two girls rub me with baby oil before i'm unstructed to strutt around the stage infront of roughly 1,500 people. lol
What a night, the only downside was that i was splippy for the rest of the night and people kept rubbing me lmao. What a downside.
Peace out
who gives a toss really?
I've resigned myself to onew simple fact... I love my life! i love being me! lol Played a great show in Coventry on thursday night then came to Birmingham to go to Edwards No8. Had the most fantastic night, was just full of drinking, many many whisky's and (and this is fantastic) two girls getting pissed at me cos i wouldn't take both of them home. How cool is that lol.
Friday night was unexpectly spent in close company. I was really looking forward to a night out with the lads so when it all went tits up i was understandably gutted. As planned went to the Carling Academy and got absolutely shitfaced (again lol)
Sat night.... now get this for brilliant! Went to Subculture at the Academy... it gets to about 2... by which time i've already been harrassed by the afforementioned girls from thursday night (are you keeping up?). Right, so it's around 2 when they ask for volounteers from the crowd. I grab a friend's friend and head for the stage at which point i get dragged into the backstage dressing room and the DJ tells us the plan for the night.
So it's now around 2:20 i've spent a good deal of time backstage, i'm standing in the wings topless waiting to go on stage and have two girls rub me with baby oil before i'm unstructed to strutt around the stage infront of roughly 1,500 people. lol
What a night, the only downside was that i was splippy for the rest of the night and people kept rubbing me lmao. What a downside.
Peace out