Wooo, new computer parts arrived, if i'm not on for a while it's 'cos i've fucked up the build somewhere 
EDIT: Should have touched wood or something. First it wouldn't boot past the Windows screen, then when I tried to reinstall the CD was corrupt. Now i'm franticallyhunting down new copies from a seedy little old laptop.... don't know whether to
Wedding tomorrow too... desperate for Photoshop afterwards. Everything that could go wrong, eh?

EDIT: Should have touched wood or something. First it wouldn't boot past the Windows screen, then when I tried to reinstall the CD was corrupt. Now i'm franticallyhunting down new copies from a seedy little old laptop.... don't know whether to

Wedding tomorrow too... desperate for Photoshop afterwards. Everything that could go wrong, eh?
Wait, no. That's robots. My mistake.