I rather think my website sums up my web aesthetic neatly. Style is fine, but I like simplicity. I also like sites that load in three seconds flat.
I'll give it time before I offer a full opinion on the layout, but preliminary examination reveals... i'm no fan
The girl at the camera shop I have been trying to summon courage to flirt with is, seemingly, dating one of the other employees. Glad I found out in a circumspect way and didn't embarrass myself, but I feel shitty anyway.
I need to train myself to stop reading Morgan's journals, they are depressing me
I'll give it time before I offer a full opinion on the layout, but preliminary examination reveals... i'm no fan
The girl at the camera shop I have been trying to summon courage to flirt with is, seemingly, dating one of the other employees. Glad I found out in a circumspect way and didn't embarrass myself, but I feel shitty anyway.
I need to train myself to stop reading Morgan's journals, they are depressing me

And my biggest gripe is the lack of testing, all seems a bit rushed from beta to live for my liking.