note to self: do NOT try to save a little extra money by getting "one more shave" out of your razors when they are getting pretty dull. aftershave on the razor burn covering most of your head just isn't worth it.
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
i just saw the new nintendo commercial for the gameboy micro. my jaw … -
Wednesday Sep 14, 2005
my monitor died today =( again. it hasn't even been a year sin… -
Sunday Aug 14, 2005
i just got krazy glue in my eye. fuck. -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
why are so many people associated with medical professions such arrog… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
my lesson for today: if you're making kraft dinner and when you ge… -
Wednesday Jul 13, 2005
dear every shoe store in saskatoon, fuck you. men DO in fact li… -
Thursday Jun 30, 2005
as if i didn't love the rain enough already. added to my list is that… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
it's raining and i'm loving it... and i still can't get over how ever… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
7 down, 0 to go; yay for having 4 of the next 5 days off! -
Monday Mar 07, 2005
we have 3 iraqis in the kitchen. and i got to work with all 3 of them…
Dec 17th.......Regina :
piratepete is going to be here from California so I thought that it would be a good time for him to meet the Sask. SG crowd
If you are interested, please let me know by Wed so that I can make the reservation
I know that due to everyones work and school, that these things are getting harder to plan.....that or maybe it is just MY job that makes it seem that way
Hope to hear from you!