it's been raining for the last two days. i'm happy. most people look at me strange when i say that.
Happy b/c you like gloomy weather or happy b/c you want stuff to grow?
YES - you can still 'pet the snake' at Reptile World. We were diverted from paying $7.50 for admission b/c it kind of looks like a dump in there and the price felt like a rip off when the Tyrrell museum admission is only $10. But don't let me trample your childhood nostalgia - you should go!
y'know wanna know one of my pet peeves? when someone wants to say something to you but they don't want to say it out loud so they mouth the words silently and expect you to read their lips. except they mouth the words in some ridiculous exagerrated way that makes it look nothing like the words they're trying to say. and of course, when you...
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......... so what were they trying to say?
all in all, i had a good day today *nods*
Glad to hear it. smile
Not bad for Friday the 13th! How's the rest of the weekend been treating ya? Do you get "Family Day" off tomorrow?
i had this weird dream last night. there was something wrong with my right eye so i had to keep it closed all the time. i went... somewhere to get it fixed, and after that was done, i openned my eye, but still couldn't see. i closed it again and rubbed it a bit in case it was dirty, or something, i guess, but that...
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i think i tore something in my back. it's feeling better than it did last week (ie: i'm no longer at the this-hurts-so-much-i'm-going-to-throw-up phase of things), but its still not going away. i should probably go get it looked at but i don't want to spend several hours to go see a doctor.
well, that was just the 4th power outage in the last 6 days. i know, it's crazy for me to think this, but maybe the power company should fix their shit right the first time.
today is a good day.

also, i like today's changes to the main page. smile
i tried to give the new layout a chance, i really did, but i think i'm gonna have to jump on the "i really don't like it" bandwagon.

i mean, it looks pretty and all, until you try and use it. i find it overly cluttered, and it's just not user friendly. basic rule of web design is not to sacrifice functionality to make it...
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today was one of those days where, all of 5 mins after i got to work, i was ready to go home. yup, fun day it was today.
so, i did have something to put here, but then i was assaulted by all the shiney new-ness, and have totally forgotten what that might have been.

i'm not sure i like the new-ness. i mean, it looks very pretty and well put together, but it just seems that every time the layout changes, there is less and less content shown on each page. i...
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mother's day = days of preparation, followed by 10 hours of complete insanity.

at least i can feel good about it afterwards...
5 days til kingdom hearts 2.

i'm excited. doubly because i wasn't expecting it til the 30th.

this is the first game i am going to buy on release day since... since ocarina of time i think. i don't even think i've bought a game new since final fantasy x.

actually, the only reason i'm getting this one new is because i have a gift...
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